A gift is only as beautiful as it is received

This forum is for those who are participating in the Many Called Few Chosen program and for those who feel that they have been Called by God. This is the place to share thoughts with others who also feel called. Many have been Called by God to serve Him BUT few will be chosen. The reason is simple ... Few choose to answer the Call. Have you been CALLED? Join this forum and find out how you can better answer your calling.
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A gift is only as beautiful as it is received

Postby vahn » Thu Jun 04, 2009 7:00 pm

Yep , that's the title came came to mind , after almost a day's worth of prayer and meditation on the subject I'm about to share for all to read hoping someone will benefit from it and/or respond with a better outlook should mine be in disagreement . Although I may veer off the subject of what the title is saying (which by the way is not or rather was not my intent to write about ) but when something, anything is Spirit driven , who am I to hold back . (Ah , hold back) that's what my intent is to write about .

No matter how well we think of the person and hold them in reverence , that we be willing to go out of our way , save up all we can by making sacrifices and doing without other necessities in order to give that person the best that WE think they deserve , and no matter how beautiful , expensive , unique or one of a kind that gift may be , if the person does not receive it in appreciation , all scores for the effort will read ZERO , even if the rest of the world recognize its worth and be held in amazement . Take for example our Lord , if we dont receive Him with grace and love , God's sacrifice of His only begotten just because He so loved us , and the life that Jesus willingly laid on the line for us just to show us a better way , all the scores for the effort will read ZERO, (in vain) .

My original idea for a title was a question I asked a dear friend last night was , " what if someone was put in a position where they have to hide God ? " that question came about as my response to the question tossed at me as to why am I so afraid to show love ?
The above paragraph should sum it up .

Love NEEDS and MUST be expressed , otherwise I am doomed to a life of discontent , hurt , and good for nothing existence , I dont show love , what and who am I good for ? Life has no meaning . In addition , in my case (the reason I gave up on the idea / and "afraid of") it has to be expressed to its fullest extent , unconditionally .

So , why am I "afraid"? Was never given the opportunity to express it in its fullest extent (ie:without reception) , so what happens ? Discouragement , disappointment , the feeling of utter stupidity , worthlessness .... the list goes on ad infinitum . Now repeat that two or three times , and each time with a renewed hope and add being taken for granted and misused , bingo !

How do we hide God ? The same way I do or rather, did (till I came to the realization that I'm actually hiding God) .
God NEEDS and MUST be expressed , (be let known of our insides to the outside) .
God is LOVE , I hide love , I hide God , end of subject . If I do , I do it for one purely selfish reason , "what if I get hurt again" .

No matter how hurt I had gotten in the past , the choices I have left is 1) I will stay being hurt because of the past , or, 2) I will continue to hurt for lack of ability to express it (hide) so either way I'm screwed !
So I'd better drop the my-self and start giving no matter what , or suffer the consequences . Besides , who do I think I am to deny anyone the gift of love and the joy experienced from it when it was freely given me ? (I should know better than saying "freely", undeservedly would be more appropriate in my case) , and if, by the way , I get the same "results", let love continue anyway , but that is highly unlikely that it will be the case , How do I know that ? Someone asked me once "Ho do you know if what you're doing agrees with God's will ? " my answer ? " I pray , I seek the truth in it , I ask , and I go about it as if the answer was yes (faith in soverienghty) , and if He doesn't agree , believe me he'll stop me !! "

So far , nothing stopped me from writing this to express my feelings except the clock on the wall saying get off the computer vahn !!

luv you all !
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Postby mlg » Thu Jun 04, 2009 7:13 pm

Interesting....you wanna know how I see the ability to love? By loving someone or something that you may loose with all you can irregardless of what the outcome might be. For example...I had a boxer and I bought him as a puppy and raised him. I had him for 5 years, and I played with him daily and loved him dearly. Then he died. I was absolutely heartbroken that I no longer had my friend who met me at the door daily. But knowing this about 6 months later I bought another boxer, one that I know won't live forever, but that I have loved since the moment I brought him home. I know that I will loose him one day, but that has not brought fear to keep me from loving my Rocky....So this all being said...love does not fear the outcome of what is to come...it jumps in all feet forward and loves anyway.

Love hurts sometimes, but imagine never loving at all? I mean loving God is the best love we can have. The only time that love hurts us, is when we have hurt our First Love. Love Him, Love Others....kinda like what my avatars says huh?

luv ya my friend
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