How do you do it?

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How do you do it?

Postby deetu » Sat May 30, 2009 11:34 pm

I meet people. I pray for people. When they are in front of me, when I touch them, I can hear the Holy Spirit's wisdom, I can discern spirits.
Even when I'm on the phone with someone, the Lord will give me wisdom to help them.

When I'm here.... platt! Not with the forum, or e-mail for that matter, because I can take my time, rewrite things and ask the Lord if it's good. Chat is another story. I will be talking to someone (PM I'm talking about now)... maybe praying and before it's done, they say something and it's .... okay, do I erase this and answer that. Send this before it's finished or is it necessary anymore.

I don't like sitting waiting for someone to write a full paragraph, not knowing if they are answering me so I like to type a line, hit enter, continue a line, enter, until I have my thought finished. But if someone answers negative before I am finished with that thought, do you finish anyway or change what you were saying even if your orginal is what they need to hear.

Then there are those that you have to drag things out of them and you keep talking where it ends up sounding like you are bragging where I know if they were right in front of me, I could see their face and discern or get a word for them. In chat, unless I keep asking if what I am saying has any meaning to them, I have no idea what is going on in their minds because I can't even see their face. Are they crying, are they shocked, mad, what???

Maybe I don't type fast enough. Or don't hear fast enough. Maybe the physical contact makes it work better for me. I sometimes feel like my Spirit is talking to theirs and giving me the answers to help them. Does that make sense?

They still talk to me so I know I must be doing something right but I just think I could do it better somehow.
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Postby mlg » Sun May 31, 2009 9:23 am

You know deetu sis, I would suggest that you follow the Holy Spirit as you are sharing. If He lays something on your heart to share, then do so, regardless of where the other maybe in the conversation.

Now, as far as trying to keep up, chat sometimes gets difficult, especially when you have several messages going at once. What I usually do, is share with people that I am very busy and they may have to be patient with me. This, usually works well, and people are a little more understanding.

Just keep with it sis, the more time you spend in chat the easier it will get. It just takes practices, don't get frustrated with yourself.

luv ya sis
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Postby vahn » Sun May 31, 2009 6:20 pm

" Maybe I don't type fast enough. " Is that what you said ? hmm .

Just ask anybody , they'll tell you who the slowest typer on this site is , ME . I mean when I first got here , when someone asked me how I was doing on Monday , they'd be lucky to get my "ok" response on Wed . Like MLG said it gets better in time (I'm doing better now I can respond in less than 3 hrs. hah) .

The trick I use today is I concentrate on the reason of why I'm chatting , if it is to receive I spent more time listening (time or expressions dont matter)
If the reason be to give I ask them to slow down and if they don't , I just throw a tantrum at them , no , just kidding !

I'm glad you posted this topic , there was a time I wanted to do that but I learnt to let the Spirit guide me before I even log in , so , whatever the outcome , it will be His will , (besides I get someone to blame it on should things go awry)
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Postby sweetlittleangel » Sun May 31, 2009 9:51 pm

slow to type/respond/talk...

and fast to listen...

Flow with the Holy Spirit..

luv ya! *Peace*
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Postby deetu » Sun May 31, 2009 10:44 pm

Thanks everyone. I guess I was just a little flustered.

And thank you mlg for that word the other day. I wasn't sure if I had done the right thing and didn't take the time to listen for an answer until you told me it would be okay. I was afraid I pushed too much but listened for an answer to that one.
That rotten enemy was trying to get to me again.

We had a guest speaker in Church today, Jamie Galloway. He had us go to someone and pratice being prophetic. I was in the front of the church and had to go to the last row to find someone who wasn't paired. Turned out God wanted me there because the prayer I have been praying for the church was what was happening with her. Wanting people to get over their fear and step over the line to reach for new things. Break free of her box.
Having her in front of me, holding her hands and having the church filled with God's Glory helped it come quickly and easily.
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Postby mlg » Mon Jun 01, 2009 7:32 am

deetu, you said it right...that rotten enemy was trying to get to you. That is what he tries to do on a daily basis, but we know the Holy Spirit within us is stronger than that meanie, so we can continue to do what God needs us to do, without fear. Keep doing God's job for you sis. Your doing well.

luv ya
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