13-14 /2

This forum is for those who are participating in the Many Called Few Chosen program and for those who feel that they have been Called by God. This is the place to share thoughts with others who also feel called. Many have been Called by God to serve Him BUT few will be chosen. The reason is simple ... Few choose to answer the Call. Have you been CALLED? Join this forum and find out how you can better answer your calling.
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13-14 /2

Postby vahn » Sat Feb 07, 2009 11:16 am

Is God Awsome or what ? or is He just Awsome ?

Needless to say, the past two days had been a heavy duty soul searching time for me, and out of habit of practicing the 10th step of AA which suggests , "continued to take peronal inventory ...." so out comes the sketch pad , and ..... Absolutely nothing !! blank ! OK , check AA Hotline phone for msges. (potential newbies to work on) .. Nothing Ok, call Gary (spons) too late at night ! Ok , back to OASIS ... write new post @ real soltns - introduce urself - too late 4 me now , go to sleep .... toss & turn .... morning , prayer/meditation , gallon of coffee , OASIS , stp 13 (make a list) - "got that allready" Ok, 14 ("Go back and read what you've written so far since CCCC") - HUH ??? - OKkaaaaY , step 12 ... (Hey, dont tell this to anybody ok?) another COOLy " Now that you got what you came here for, you wanna leave !" !!!! LIGHT BULB !!!!

Rewind ...9.5 years ago - 6 months sober -- Sponsor: " Now that you got what you came here for , you wanna keep it for yourself ". Me : " well umm ,yeah, you know, umm, " (make sure you scratch your head first vahn !!) .... 6:00 AM -next morning, RING RING , Hello ? Gary : "This guy 's gettin outa prison today, his name's Jim , I'm 2 b z 2 pick him up , you go , CLICK "
Now, who.... !?! , 10:00 AM, " Hey, my name's vahn , Gary's b z I'm ur ride , !! TO -A- MEETING !!! ... "But I dont need a mtg." " I dont care, I DO ! and that's where I'm goin, you dont like it , you WALK !"
On the way down (2 hr. ride) , this guy is on full-throttle -denial right !
O kaay ! Give him the 9th degree & no holds barred ! (I"ll show you) .
So 2 days later , he dissapears from the face of the earth , and me and Gary r at the spitting contests playing ping-pong , you, no you ! OK silent treatment save "which mtg u goin to , I'll go to the other one"

FFWD, 2.5 yrs later , AA Convention - 800 registered so far- Fri. nite mystery speaker, also passing out anniversary medallions - "cant miss this one !"
Fri. morn. 6:00 AM Ring-Ring " Hey vahn, this guy's coming to pick you up @ 8 be ready, CLICK!" , "Now who....?"
8:00 AM , Ding-Dong , " Hey I'm Jim, Gary's b z , I'm ur ride , to the CONVENTION ! ... Oh , he also asked me to remind u to bring a suit !! "
" Wha... Who ..." " If I have to tie you down I will"
10:00 PM Gary's handing me my 3 yr. medallion, I'm handing Jim his 2, Jim's handing Dave his 1st, and Dave's handing the newest his Big Book (AA Textbook) .

Now, what does all this have to do with anything ? Is it self glorification ? Is it for me to get a atta boy, or brownie points ? well you may think so , but I dont .

It was that one sentence that I got to by following one suggestion, to go back one day and to read it once more , "Now that you got what you came here for ...... well ... give it one more day, Its the only one you got " did I by any chance mention ONE ?!?!

The age of miracles are still with us . Is God Awsome or what ? or is He just Awsome !
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Postby mlg » Sat Feb 07, 2009 11:50 am

God IS Awesome and all the time I might add. :)

Those lightbulbs are something huh? See God knows what we need to hear when we need it. When Satan is trying to stop us and drag us down, God is offering us Truth. You weren't sent back one day by accident...that's called God intervening. He has so much work for you to do now vahn. The main thing is not to become Jonah and have to get swallowed up by a big fish, in order for the Lord to get you to do His will. Listen and submit, even when your not sure. Don't think just say Here I Am Lord, Send Me.

Praying for you my friend.

luv ya
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Postby vahn » Sat Feb 07, 2009 12:01 pm

Got a map to Ninveh ? I hate fish' guts !
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Postby mlg » Sat Feb 07, 2009 12:05 pm

awww now that's the Spirit typing :)

luv ya
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Postby vahn » Sat Feb 07, 2009 12:29 pm

Here's one ! see if you can "jab" that !

Forget the map , I'll use GPS -- God-Powered Steering ! hah!
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Postby mlg » Sat Feb 07, 2009 1:00 pm

lol great one.

luv ya
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