Days 1-7

This forum is for those who have begun the the seven step program called Spirit of Truth, which was created to assist you in establishing and/or enhancing your relationship with the Holy Spirit. In this forum you can share thoughts with fellow Christians who are also enjoying the promised comfort of being His friend. If you would like to begin this Spiritual journey, you can do so here: Spirit of Truth

Days 1-7

Postby flutemusic67 » Sat Jan 24, 2009 7:41 pm

I read Day 1 then did some straightening around the house. I wasn't sure I was going to start a journal here. Sat back down at the computer, turned on the television to TBN and then pulled up this forum.

There is a movie on, obviously from the 60's. A man was in a garage with a group of people telling them that Christianity isn't about religion, it's about a relationship with Christ. Then he quoted the passage about the Spirit of Truth.

Ok, Father, I can take a hint. ;) imma bloggin' now.

I grew up in the church. Know all the stories. Know all the commandments. Went to confirmation class. Taught Sunday School. Knew all about God and Jesus. Knew about the Holy Trinity. Think they forgot to tell us that the Holy Spirit isn't just inside God though.

Come to oasis about a year and a half ago and start hearing about the Holy Spirit. Hmm..interesting... Months later learned a lot, thinking wow I wish I could have the Holy Spirit too...few more months later started experiencing Him..little ways....but I was listening and watching and learning.

Then one day, in a time where life was full of crisis, I heard Him. Not like you would talk to me or like a voice in my head. It was spirit to spirit. He said "I am here".

He is soooo cool. He knew I needed that. He stayed with me for about fifteen minutes. Had goosebumps. Very excited. Wonderful wonderful!

So, I started seeking the Holy Spirit actively. I have learned a lot and am well aware there is a million times more to be learned. Can't wait to learn every grain of Truth.

After I read Day 1, I went to light a brand new candle. My best friend, Julia, gave it to me. She makes them. I had trouble lighting the candle. The wick wouldn't catch fire. After using three matches, the candle was finally lit.

The candle obviously had some sort of coating that needed to melt or burn before the flame could transfer from the match to the wick.

Kinda made me think about our relationship with the Holy Spirit. We often have walls up spiritually and emotionally which prevent us from connecting us to Him. If we tear down the walls and receive Him, He will be our friend.

That may sound simple and dumb. But to those who are hurting so much, it is terribly difficult. Been there many times.

I'm a little confused about something. We are taught to pray in Jesus' name. When we talk to the Holy Spirit, do we need to say "In Jesus' name?" I ain't taking any chances. *Whistle*

There is something I am VERY confused about. But once I read the Abrahams Bosom study for the 3rd or 42nd time, I'm sure I will get it. I understand the mind, body, and spirit. I understand the flesh (body) returns to the earth, and the spirit returns to God. I also understand the soul (mind) goes to Abraham's Bosom. Having trouble reconciling or perhaps separating the concept of the soul from the spirit. I get the mind is separate from the spirit, just not that the soul is separate from the spirit. This keeps looping in my mind. rofl

Time to go lil deeper.

Thank you, Holy Spirit! You rock! *Guitar*
Last edited by flutemusic67 on Wed Feb 04, 2009 12:51 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Postby mlg » Sat Jan 24, 2009 7:50 pm

Awww fluters so glad to see you beginning the study. Your gonna like this study sis. It is definitely enLIGHTening :)

Your statement about tearing down walls was definitely not dumb or simple. It was an awesome statement. See God doesn't want anything about Him to be complicated..He likes easy :)

Ok when we talk to God we have to pray in Jesus name. See the Holy Spirit speaks for us when we pray. It's sorta like Holy Spirit takes the prayer, Jesus cleanses it and God hears it and answers it, but it's all 3 of them in one. Ok so did I confuse you more? rofl Hoping to help you make more sense of how the Holy Spirit works in our prayer life. So when you talk to the Holy Spirit you are talking to Him as a friend. Now if your praying that's when you want to use in Jesus name....but if your just talking and sharing your day, then He is listening :)

Our soul is what God puts in side of us. God takes our soul home with Him when we die...our soul gives us life. Our spirit is a little different. Our spirit is emotional. Our spirit is influenced. Our spirit is what we work to make better for the Lord.

Have I got you really confused now? Hoping I helped some anyway. :)

luv ya sis
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Postby flutemusic67 » Sat Jan 24, 2009 8:36 pm

mlg1279 wrote:Our soul is what God puts in side of us. God takes our soul home with Him when we die...our soul gives us life.

Ok, but.......the study says our spirit returns to God and our soul goes to Abraham's Bosom....

ECCLESIASTES 12:7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.

He said that when a righteous man died, their SOUL goes to ABRAHAM'S BOSOM. LUKE 16:22 And It came to pass that the beggar died and was carried by the angels into Abraham's Bosom.

It's aight. I just gotta read it about 39 more times.

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Days 1-2

Postby flutemusic67 » Sun Jan 25, 2009 2:27 pm

Day 2

Subconscious. There are actually four levels of consciousness.

Conscious competent (aware and choosing the right thing)
Conscious incompetent (aware and choosing the wrong thing) Unconscious competent (unaware and choosing the right thing) Unconscious incompetent (unaware and choosing the wrong thing)

A guilty conscience will oft times make a person confess to something, or apologize about something, or do something to make amends for consequences that came about from not listening to their INNER man.
and also:
Did you know that your conscience is really Me talking to your spirit, urging you to choose good over evil?

Some have an ingrained sense of guilt deep down inside from childhood. Our enemy uses this sense of guilt to separate us from God. We are listening to bad spirits rather than the Holy Spirit. So important to pull those weeds.

or you're nervous because you're late or have to get something done, it's going to be more difficult to tune in to My voice.

Here is part of my problem of connecting more with the Holy Spirit. I am a nervous person at times. Mind is constantly racing. Always thinking. Working on it.

There was a short paragraph about intuition. The ability to sense or discern. I have a heightened sense of intuition. Learning more about it through some friends here at Oasis. Wonder if Oasis has a study on it? Hmmm....gonna take a road trip later to find out.

The study also speaks of seeing other spirits when you enter the Spiritual realm. I am beginning to see them. I would rather not, though. Kinda freaks me out. When there was one by me maybe two feet away, I about flew off the couch. But, I ask the Holy Spirit to be with and protect me. He has been very comforting. I feel He won't let any spirits touch me. He's a good guy ;)

Oh! The Who am I study completely cleared up the confusion about Abraham's bosom! Whoooooo hoooooooo! or was it the Holy Spirit? ;)


God gave us our spirit, it's a loaner, to give us life. Our soul is our being or existence. It's the entity with us that makes us choose between right and wrong. So, the righteous souls go to Abraham's bosom and our spirits are returned to God.


*runs off to look for a study on Intuition or read the Bible* *run*

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Postby mlg » Sun Jan 25, 2009 3:01 pm

rofl you make me laugh sis.

You wanna hear something. First time I saw those other spirits in the Spiritual Realm, I was freaked out too. I was like what do you want Lord, why me? Now that I am beginning to understand a little more, I can see how the Holy Spirit will ran those spirits out. It's just amazing sis to watch the power of God working within us. Wooohooo....getting chills just thinking about it.

Glad to see you understand the Abraham's bosom, spirit and soul now...

luv ya *hug*
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Postby flutemusic67 » Mon Jan 26, 2009 9:34 pm

I was writing the program for Life After Abuse. While pondering upon something I wrote, I realized that I was turning to the members of the Trinity the way we are taught. But, I never really put any thought into the differentiation. Mackenaw taught me a few things about the Holy Spirit too. Here is one thing she said.

God is the Principal, Jesus is a cool teacher, and the Holy Spirit is like a really good coach or guidance counselor.

Here is what I wrote for Life After Abuse: I made a choice. Through all the trials God has given me this last year, I became smart enough to recognize the enemy's voice. I prayed, talked to the Holy Spirit and asked for guidance, and sought His Word to plant some good thoughts.

I had prayed to our Father in Jesus name. Talked to the Holy Spirit. Read the Word (Jesus).

When I realized how I was using the different ministrations of the Holy Trinity, it was like the Holy Spirit threw a spiritual nerf ball at my head. Didn't hurt, but got my attention. Soooooooooo I thought "Aha! *Lightbulb* I get it! But maybe I should keep my nose out of the mechanics and let God do the thinkin."

Only took 41 years to figure that out. *Doh* I better get busy! *run*

Ok, Day 3. I totally get the difference between knowledge and Wisdom. Had a lot of knowledge for years. But it's only since I've been learning about, seeking, and asking the Holy Spirit for guidance and help, have I begun to grow in wisdom. However small it is for now. ;)

From the study: Have you ever felt something was wrong before it happened? Have you ever met someone and just knew something was wrong before you had any evidence? Your understanding came from Me.

Yep and yep. The intuition from the previous step. Happens all the time. Every day, many times a day. Gotta keep learning and communing with the Holy Spirit to grow in this area.

Spiritual gifts. Hmmm.....I love to help others and teach. When they hurt, I hurt. It's that spirit to spirit thang. *does the Z snap unsuccessfully and gets a stern look from her daughter*

I have a great talent for playing the flute. But there is a problem. I am a little obsessive about music. I believe that if I were to use this talent more often, it would once again become my idol. Something to pray on and talk to the Holy Spirit about.

Was thinking about the word Amen. The definition is "it is so; so be it, to sanction fully". Isn't saying Amen calling upon the Holy Spirit to make it so, in a sense? If we are praying to God in Jesus' name, who are we asking to make it so? If God thinks it, Jesus says it, and the Holy Spirit moves, then wouldn't the act of making it so be the Holy Spirit? Wonder what Mack would think about that. ;)

Flute is done for tonight with the dangerous job of thinking.

Thank you, Holy Spirit! You rock! *Guitar*
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Postby mlg » Mon Jan 26, 2009 9:52 pm

rofl fluters did anyone ever tell think too much rofl just kidding sis. You are doing so awesome with this study. Digging deep and really searching for the answers. Keep at it sis...cuz God's gonna reveal so mighty interesting things to you.

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Postby Dora » Tue Jan 27, 2009 9:50 am

Flute I've enjoyed your questions and comments. I'm learning things from you that I didn't think of when I went through the study.

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Postby flutemusic67 » Tue Jan 27, 2009 8:37 pm

Day 4

Well, this is just absolutely the coolest study!

Have you ever cleared your mind to listen to the Holy Spirit and waited? and waited..... and waited..... and you could swear you hear crickets chirping inside your head? Wonder if He was actually waiting for me? *Whistle*

I gotta admit. There have been many times where I do not feel His presence. I suppose if I had actually asked Him to walk and talk with me, He would have spoken up.

But there are many more times when I have invited Him to be with me. Talked to Him, cried out to Him, begged Him, thanked Him, asked for help. His answers are interesting and exciting. Showing the right Bible verse, goosebumps, chills, a quiet voice, a commanding voice, a poem someone wrote and shared at the right time, a song at the right time on the radio, and so many other ways.

From the study, the Holy Spirit said "If you take Me for granted, I wont leave you, but you'll feel that I'm distant until you appreciate Me once more."

Whoa! Appreciate? Have I appreciated the Holy Spirit? I certainly place a high value for Him. I definitely have a high regard of Him. But have I been fully conscious or aware of Him? Yes, many moments. But no, others.

I am fully aware of Him when He helps me, when I call on Him and talk to Him. But, the times when I am going about the business of the day, am I fully aware of His presence? Subconciously, I am aware of Him. Consciously, I am focusing on the tasks at hand.

The magnitude of what He does for me on a day to day basis does not go unnoticed. He gives me strength, guidance, comfort, and help. He delivers me from those pesky voices that try to infiltrate my thoughts. I do recognize the significance of His presence.

But I need to work on being sensitive to the Holy Spirit....not just showing Him that I appreciate Him and telling Him I love Him and He is welcome to take part of every aspect of my life. What I mean is to open my senses fully to receive Him.

I could ponder on that for weeks.

One last thing to share, then I will close. Please stop jumping up and down for joy. ;)

The Holy Spirit had a lil talk with me today. He showed me in steps how to get past certain feelings as to forgive a family member and to see her how God sees her. Very cool. Something I will carry in my heart and apply to other situations as they arise.

Thank you, Holy Spirit! You keep rockin'! *Guitar*
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Postby mlg » Tue Jan 27, 2009 10:50 pm

I too found this study to be such a blessing. I mean it's so cool how it really brings you in touch with who the Holy Spirit truly wants to be within us and in our lives as well. I mean a best friend to walk around with us, who is always there, and waiting and wants to guide us in all our steps, if we will just let Him. That is an amazing gift, our own comforter sent to us. Thank you Holy Spirit!!!

Have a deLIGHTful night sis.

luv ya
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Postby Mackenaw » Wed Jan 28, 2009 5:02 am

Hello Flutie *hug*

God bless you this day.

Awwwww, I'm really enjoying reading your posts. Awwwwww, isn't He awesome!!! The wonder of Him is so amazing, and one I pray never leaves me. I wonder about Him all the time, think about Him, think about Him working in me and through me, and about the big picture too -- the lives of others and creation, isn't He grand!!!??!!!

I loved the analogy He gave you about building up walls and the candle and wick. COOL. Sorta like "love waxing cold", huh? Our hearts are so easily impacted and influenced, we have to guard them well and keep that fire fanned by the blessed breeze.

Light my fire, Light my fire, Light my fire, ay oh. *BigGrin*

I understand how you may get a little confused with the soul, spirit, body thing. We have a spiritual child within, so if he/she returns to God, and our soul goes to Abraham's bosom, won't we be like divided? I offer this, and maybe it will help -- this is Mack's impression of what takes place.
Our spiritual child within, is us. It is the purest form of us, and it as much a part of our identity/soul as the worldly part of our soul.
Our spirit is the portal/receiver by which The Holy Spirit speaks to us. God placed a spirit within us, just as He placed our soul and formed our body. He knew us before the foundation of the earth. He had us in His mind. Awwwwwww, He had Flutie in His mind while He was creating the earth.

Your soul is your personality. I have never met you in person nor have ever heard your voice, but what I know of you...I know your soul - your personality. The part of you that is unlike anyone else. It would be an interesting test to see if a tiny group of people we feel we have gotten to know here were to write something without their names attached to it, and see if we recognized them by what they wrote.

Every living human being has a spirit too, even if they are not Born Again. What they don't have is The Holy Spirit living inside them -- but the portal/receiver -- their spirit -- is still there. Their spiritual child is sorta just a shadow of of them, influenced by what their soul/mind believes and what the world introduces to the soul of the person and the person chooses to accept or reject.

When a person becomes Born Again by accepting Christ Jesus as Saviour, the Holy Spirit takes up residence inside us. But He is a Gentleman and will not superimpose Himself on us to communicate -- unless it is the will of The Father. Slowly and gently we are wooed by The Holy Spirit and He does this through our portal/receiver -- our spirit. Our soul now has another impacting influence -- God Almighty. The more we seek Him, the more we get to know Him. It's a matter of relationship.

When I first started truly seeking Him to really get to know Him, I felt like I had a split personality. Sometimes, I still do. :) Paul says it best in Romans 7 and 8. The split was because my outer/worldly self and my inward/spirit self were so dramatically different. Plus, I had a whole lot of years of mostly listening to my outer self -- influenced by the world, as compared to inner self -- influenced by The Holy Spirit.

If my body should die tonight, my spirit/portal/receiver will return to God, my soul/personality which has been impacted by both the world and God will go to Abraham's bosom (if it be God's will, ty Jesus I pray) and my body will return to the dust.

Gosh, this is much longer than I anticipated -- sorry, but there's a bit more. Our spirit houses our emotions. But, those are rather worldly, so I doubt we'll need them. :) The blessed fruit of The Holy Spirit come from God's Spirit -- The Holy Spirit, so I feel confident that there will be ample supply of this blessed fruit in Heaven.

Ok, I'll stop there. I hope I've helped you by sharing the understanding given me by The Holy Spirit that has gone through the Mack spin cycle. By the way, I use fragrance-free softener, so you may need to add your own scent. ;) And please, please, please be sure to read the Manufacturer's Instructions -- The Holy Bible -- before use. A qualified customer service Representative is available 24 hours a day -- The Holy Spirit.

God bless you, Flutie.
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Postby Dora » Wed Jan 28, 2009 8:30 am

Can I jump in and ask a question in flutes thread?

If the spirit is returned to God and the soul is in Abrahams bossom to one day be returned to God? If I understand that part correctly, what happens when the soul is returned to God and the spirit is already there?
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