
This forum is for those who have and/or are dealing with loved ones who have an illness of ANY type such as Autism, Asthma, ADHD/ADD, Alzheimer's, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Cancer, Disabilities, Mental Illness and much more. Share your story, with others who truly care, understand and TOGETHER with the Lord as our guide, let's rise above it all.


Postby Amie80 » Tue Oct 30, 2012 11:32 pm

I have severe depression and anxiety and ADD so I hope this is the right forum? I have been having the most horrible anxiety and I cant control it. I pray and everything but usually right around evening time I feel like crying and yelling and pulling my hair out all at once. This stuff with my mom constantly saying horrible things to me and saying shes gonna kill herself then losing my aunt 3 weeks ago and then being put on new meds just is piling up. I know that I can talk to people here but im always so afraid that im gonna scare people off from wanting to talk to me ever again. I really am not a depressing person; usually im the perky one in the croud that makes everyone laugh. I miss that part of me. Maybe the meds just dont work anymore. Before meds I was a hot mess but it was like after they put me on them a light came on and I was doing so well. I started feeling bad again so they added and took away some meds and now I dont want to cope at all I just want to stay at home. I am gaining weight even when im trying not to. They put me on Metformin for my PCOS and that was sappose to help me lose weight but I weighed myself yesterday and it says I gained a LOT in like 2 weeks.......It has to be broken because unless I tied led to my ankles its not possible to gain that fast. Maybe the scales at the dr's and at home are different? I hope so. Anywas im just tired of being me and I need friends but I dont want them to get tired of me too.....
Amie :cry:
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Re: anxiety

Postby Jedidiah » Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:30 am

Hello Amie80,
Don't despair, Jesus cares and so do we. *hug*
I find what helps me in the day when life overwhelms is to take a 'Sip from the Psalms', and if I lived next door to you I would invite you over for a cup of coffee, but I can't do that so I offer you a sip from the Psalms and would encourage you to read Psalm 40 right now.
See how the Psalmist felt.
Feeling cast down in trial is common to us all, and doesn’t mean that you are a lesser Christian if you do. If it were not common to us all, then the Lord would not have made such abundant provision in His Word for such feelings.

“I am poor and needy; yet THE LORD thinketh upon me: thou art my help and my deliverer; O my God.”
“The Lord takes care of me, ~ Even me.” Ps 40:17

How comforting to know that with the Lord, We are never out of sight, Never out of mind, and never beyond His touch, yet we sometimes lose sight of Him, forget Him and lose touch with Him. Yet He graciously, consistently shows His care for us and patiently seeks to draw us to Himself.

“Oh, He who thinks of me so much,
I’m never out of mind,
I daily know His Loving touch,
In His Tender mercies kind.
His eye is on me day and night,
I know I’ll never be,
Not for a moment, out of sight,
For The Lord takes care of me!”

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Re: anxiety

Postby Ruthk34 » Wed Oct 31, 2012 6:23 am

Amie, Yes the Dr's scales are different from what we get for home plus the time of day and what you are wearing when you get weighed makes a difference. The best way to know if you are truly gaining/losing is to weigh yourself at the same time of day (first thing in the morning is closest to your true wiight) and in similar clothing. Also make sure not to move your scale to a different spot it makes a slight difference too. I found that I weigh 2 to 3 pounds more in the afternoon than I do in the morning. It's all the food and drinks that your body hasn't processed yet adds the afternoon gain but is gone by morning. Unless of course if you overindulged the day before. I've been guilty of that at times. I always say it takes a week to lose 2-3 lbs and 1 day to get it back.
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