MCFC-2nd Time through

This forum is for those who are participating in the Many Called Few Chosen program and for those who feel that they have been Called by God. This is the place to share thoughts with others who also feel called. Many have been Called by God to serve Him BUT few will be chosen. The reason is simple ... Few choose to answer the Call. Have you been CALLED? Join this forum and find out how you can better answer your calling.
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Postby mlg » Mon Jan 18, 2010 9:01 am

Step 8

So today's topic was Spiritual Gifts...and how it takes many parts of the Body with different Gifts to make up the entire body. This is God's way of making us interdependent on one another...but so many times we don't want to have to depend on another...we'd prefer to just do things ourselves. I'm beginning to learn that God has given me the gifts He feels I need...and to others who have gifts I don't...He wants me to go and ask them to help. This is often hard for me, as I am very independent and asking someone for help is something that yes..hurts the pride. And what happens when my pride is hurt???? Jealousy...

In the counseling steps it talks about overcoming Jealousy and Pride with as I recognize my lack of a gift, I'm beginning to see that I have to go to others and seek out their help in matters...this is God's way of keeping me humble...showing me that I am but the toe at times when others are the brain...and then when it comes to a situation where He allows me to be the brain...then I am to respect the toe and love the toe as the toe loved me when the toe was the brain. See we are all different parts of the body...but our part of the body changes with each recognizing our place at that time is important...and also accepting our place is important...even if pride gets in the way...knocking it out quickly and getting in formation is what God would have us to do...not seperating myself and trying to go off my own way...lest the body be missing an arm.

I also read through the Spirit of Wisdom study...I'm gonna go back later and read it more completely. But great sharing there as well.
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Postby deetu » Mon Jan 18, 2010 9:59 am

Woo Hoo, I am finding a depth to you that is amazing. You go girl!

If I can share a moment. I believe that God gave me my gifts so I can help others who He needs to step out in their giftings. It is amazing how God will get that person to me one way or another, having me church hop even.
There is one woman who is destined to be an amazing speaker; the Pastor who I am accountable to knows it too. When I thought about it, I told him that I am not jealous because what God has me doing is important and needed. If I became famous or even a higher head in a one church, people wouldn't feel comfortable coming to me and talking the way we talk.

mlg, I see that in you. A quiet, confident person who pulls out the good in a others. Who directs them with a word or question guided by the Holy Spirit. Who is always a friend.
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Postby vahn » Mon Jan 18, 2010 11:11 am

Day 8 ? ... What happened to 7 ?
Ok , ok , so that's an old trick its not going to work huh ?

You know , the only Body that can and does function in complete unity with its other "members" , and in absolute independence of all other creation is the Body of the Holy Spirit . Thus was , and at times still is , my "difficulty" of responding in any other way but in total agreement with others when it comes to matters of The Holy Spirit . Each and every single one of us have our own concept of His manifestations within our souls .(response to 7) .

The Holy Spirit will zoom in on our best area of usefulness to His "Mission" and sets up His Command Headquarters in that area , so , whether it is the quick feet , strong arms , or agile fingers , sharp sight , or the quick on the trigger in execution of tasks at hand . Notice , whatever "area" I mentioned is also at its BEST in functionality , and not just merely an "oh , I can do that" but rather "I am the best in doing that" for He expects nothing but the best of us (He told us "Have no fear , for I am with you") .
So , when He sets up camp in my "feet" , so to speak , and tells me "Yo , I need that "brain" to get to point B quick !" , I am not serving my purpose to the fullest if I were to spend more time arguing "How come you send him instead and not me , I can do the job just as well yada , yada " His answer would probably be along the lines of " yeah , yeah I know , but that brain ain't going nowhere without you , and you ain't going nowhere without him either , for he has all the data of where he's going and you don't ok ? Now get !"
Instead , I would go something like "I best get that brain to point B as fast as I can , for if I don't , we all perish "

I made a joke in "church" last night , I can just imagine a Heaven full of headless people " I mean , everyone wants to get their first , they forget to bring the rest of their body with them !!

Keep on keepin on , (therrre's mo-orre !)
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Postby deetu » Mon Jan 18, 2010 11:13 am

cool concept vahn
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Postby mlg » Tue Jan 19, 2010 11:32 am

Step 9

What an absolutely delicious step this is. First it begins by talking about judgement and how we should not give up on anyone for their behavior...because if they are lost...they know not what they do...

I must say that there are many lost souls that people would rather just walk away from...because they require too much time and their woe is me attitude gets on one's "nerves" but in reality...weren't we that soul once? The one who lied and made up stories for attention? The one who played the pity party for sympathy? I mean who are we to judge them? We are the ones who God wants to now use to reach these souls, and show them the Light that will lead them out of the "bad" behavior.

This study goes on to the We Fall Down We Get Up when we take a bigger picture of God's's truly amazing. I must say reading all the things that Peter did...sure reminds me of me. So many times I've become afraid of God's call....including a temporary moment this morning...I started to second guess myself....but how can you second guess God? You can't....

I think one of the big factors people refuse to get up when they pride...the idea that they will have to face all those people who saw them fall...embarrassing....but God can use our shortcomings for His getting up isn't about us...but about God...He needs us to get up...each and every time.
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Postby Dora » Tue Jan 19, 2010 3:31 pm

Yuckie pride. Smells worse than dirty swamp water.

Sis I just wanted to share something the Lords been showing me is to not only be patient with the Lost and the new Christians but the Christians that are well seasoned have down falls as well and we need to be patient iwth them and each other as we are still growing. In Gods eyes aren't we all just little babies. Compared to him we really do know very little. :)

luv ya
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Postby Lionhearted » Tue Jan 19, 2010 4:05 pm

hey mlg ... i've been reading your posts, sounds like our Lord is doing a work in you!! *hug*

what a fantastic idea to do this study again. but it sorta makes sense if you think about it ... i mean who can grab everything the first time around huh. not only that, but we learn in cycles and and ur living proof of that. sometimes it would be nice to be able to learn something and then put it on the shelf and be done with it ... but He didn't create us that way.

mlg said:
I must say that there are many lost souls that people would rather just walk away from...because they require too much time and their woe is me attitude gets on one's "nerves" but in reality...weren't we that soul once? The one who lied and made up stories for attention? The one who played the pity party for sympathy? I mean who are we to judge them? We are the ones who God wants to now use to reach these souls, and show them the Light that will lead them out of the "bad" behavior.

soooo true sis ... paul says 3 or 4 times in the book of eph. that we were just like them, and you know, everyone displays or manifests their darkness diff. this is something i need to be reminded of from time to time. :oops:

you're doing well .... soul work is hard huh *hug*

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Postby vahn » Tue Jan 19, 2010 8:39 pm

For the past 15 years or so , I had been attending a certain meeting for three days out of the week , 5 of those years were spent in and out , getting drunk and coming back , and the next ten , by the Grace of our Lord , consecutively except for a two year hiatus because of relocation , but sober nevertheless .
Upon returning , my heart sank even deeper (for at that time my heart was in deep waters to begin with) , when I looked at the chair where Bobby always sat in was empty . At that moment I thought he had finally died , for he never missed a meeting .
What's so special about Bobby the town drunk) was the fact that the only time I had seen him sober , was when I met him at the VA in my one more attempts of recovery . for the next fifteen years I'd known him , he never drew a sober breath , but ... and except when he came to the meeting he never drank , and he was at that meeting every day at 7:30 , you could set your watch on him , sharp ! On the way to the entrance there is a dumpster where he would deposit his bottle , finishing it off first , of course , and would go in get a cup of coffee and occupy his Bobby chair . and when the chips was passed around , he would get up , and pick up a white (surrender) chip . Every day .
One day , about nine and a half years ago , when I finally noticed it , and being an AA high roller at the time , I decided to approach him with this "issue" ,for by then I was elected group secretary . What he told me next would put me in a place (mine) where I don't think I would ever be able to recover from . Without letting me say a word , he said "Sit down kid , you don't know jack about twelfth-stepping (carrying the massage) so don't even try to go there with me" , and taking a sip from his coffee , he continued "aren't these meetings beautiful ? , they start with a prayer and end with a prayer , and you here enough B.S. in between that keeps this drunk sober till he wakes up and starts his rounds of collecting cans to get himself another bottle and come back here again" , I was floored !!! For three days I couldn't shake what he said , mustering whatever humility I could , I sat next to him and asked "Bobby , wouldn't it be easier if you just sobered up for good ?" (another whammo of a mistake on my part ) , He said "kid , I am sober , I just don't want to stop drinking till 7:30 , I don't want to miss my prayers , because if I do , then I'd continue on drinking and wont be able to collect enough cans early enough in the morning to make it here on time" .
Every single time since that day that I go to that meeting , upon passing him , Bobby would say "sit down kid , help me enjoy this prayer with you" and I would , till the prayer is over and I'd get up about my biz and he would say "keep coming back kid" and wink .

How many lumps I had gotten on my head for talking to Bobby ? ha , every single time ! "what you doing talking to him , he's loser , he don't wana sober up , he just want to come here and drink our coffee , see if you could see him out .... !!" on and on , and I smile , and walk away . Until one day one of the guys said "vahn , what's up ? what gives man ?"
I told him , "You know Dave ? aren't these meetings just beautiful ? They start with a prayer and end with a prayer and there's a lot of B.S. in between , but this man told me the truth , he said he doesn't want to stop drinking , he just wants to stay sober TONIGHT ! "

I had been Dave's sponsor since that day for nine years now , and we keep each other sober because of what that "loser" said .

See , it isn't about who hears the massage , or who we try to carry it to ,or whether they are for "real" or not , or even failing with them or succeeding , its about what comes out of the experience (the fruit) .

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Postby deetu » Wed Jan 20, 2010 10:08 am

Whoa, this is a good post. What a mixture. What insight.
What heartfelt sharing.
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Postby mlg » Wed Jan 20, 2010 11:05 am

Step 10 Feed My Sheep

This step discusses something that I love to do. Feed God's sheep. I love spending time with the sheep, showing them how much He loves them, and seeing them flourish and grow and to see them feed the sheep as well. A true blessing for sure.

This step also discusses how we should treat the sheep. When I was going through my time of bitterness recently...I was not the kindnest servant to God. I was bitter and I even found that I bit a couple of His sheep...because of my bitterness. No it's not something I'm proud of at all...but I share this as a truth to remind me of how the enemy will sneak in and find ways to turn me against the sheep if I'm not walking with God where I should be. Therefore...God comes first...feeding the sheep comes only after my relationship with God. I can't be an effective servant if I'm not faithful to God first.

God has chosen me to serve His children because I do fall down and get up. If I were perfect...He wouldn't need me because I wouldn't be able to relate to the sheep....but from where I've been and where I am...I understand a lot about darkness...because I walked in it for 30 years....praise God I'm now in the Light...but the experiences I went through in the darkness...continue to allow me to see where others are in darkness...therefore making me want to reach out...and help them find the pathway to Light that I found.
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Postby Tam » Wed Jan 20, 2010 11:33 am

Mlg It has been a joy watching you grow through these steps again. Yes you are awesome at feeding His sheep.
I count it an honor that I have met you and gotten to know you just a little bit.
Aren't the sheep what we are here for afterall, to show them that our Father loves them no matter what is going on in their lives and that they can get up and move forward?
Love you sis
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Postby Dora » Wed Jan 20, 2010 12:15 pm

You make your Father God proud sis :)
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