POLL-Sharing God's Truth

This forum is for those who are participating in the Many Called Few Chosen program and for those who feel that they have been Called by God. This is the place to share thoughts with others who also feel called. Many have been Called by God to serve Him BUT few will be chosen. The reason is simple ... Few choose to answer the Call. Have you been CALLED? Join this forum and find out how you can better answer your calling.
Be sure and check out the Many Called Few Chosen program

What is your comfort level in sharing God's truth with the Lost Souls of the World?

I am comfortable sharing with a crowd or group of lost souls.
I am comfortable sharing with a crowd, group, or individaul lost soul.
I am comfortable sharing with an individual lost soul in a one on one environment only.
I am NOT comfortable sharing with any lost souls.
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Total votes : 20

POLL-Sharing God's Truth

Postby mlg » Tue Jul 29, 2008 12:31 pm

Hey everyone, how do you feel about sharing God's Truth with the Lost souls of the World? We are beginning a new program in the chatroom on August 10th, called Here I Am, Send Me.

We need your help, reaching the Lost, but this many times can be a difficult task, and many times our comfort levels vary greatly on witnessing. I've created the following poll, and ask each of you to vote to determine the comfort levels of our members here at Christianity Oasis on sharing God's Truth with the Lost.

If you would like to share any thoughts on how you voted, please do so.

Let's GET this FIRE started!!!!! wooohooooo
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Postby splash » Tue Jul 29, 2008 12:44 pm

Hmmm i voted that I'm comfortable sharing with crowd, group or individual lost soul because i DO it but I don't think COMFORTABLE is a very applicable word there... every time I am SKEERED and INSECURE and PRAYING that God will speak through me. I may never get to be truly comfortable but I'm just workin on being obedient and doin it anyway. I haven't really shared with crowds much...still workin up my nerve for street preaching...mostly I have opportunities to share one on one with the lost and with small groups of believers who may or may not include someone whose lost.
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Postby --- » Thu Nov 27, 2008 5:41 am

I can not tell you how many young people I have shared the gospel with and many accepted Christ in McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy's or one of the many coffee shops throughout the Cleveland area. I used to try to keep count but soon realized the folly in that and decided that was better left to God. Time is very short and there are still many lost young people out there as we race toward Christ's return. One example of this is the exponential curve, which we can see in every facet of our world today. For example 5th ave in New York in 1910 was still filled with horse drawn buggies and look at where we are at now with airliners, bullet trains, rocket ships, etc. It took Mark Twain 3 months to reach the Holy Land back around the turn of the last century and now people grumble about the 13 hour flight that it takes today. You will find this kind of exponential growth in the world population growth, medicine (in 1900 48 was considered to be a long life), the military, communications, etc. You will see that the line on the chart goes up rather gradually till about 1900 and then shoots straight up. I propose that we are not just in the end times, but are here on BORROWED TIME. The time to tarry is long over.

GBU all,

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