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Day five of my MCFC study

PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 11:04 pm
by mlg
Well I have already began working on the charts from step 3, when I was feeling kinda down and a little irritated by the idea of having to do this, but now that I have begun, I have started to see a change in some of my habits. I've began by strengthening my mind, with more prayer. I've already noticed the calming effect it has on the beginning of my day. I pray in the morning, and believe it or not, this is where I have the most peace. My day is always rush rush and I have found that if I spend my time early on just meditating with the Lord, that I get the feeling of calmness and I start my day off happy. I am so happy that I am doing these steps, it's made me focus on Him more, and I feel HIS presence more. Yes, I've had a few more trials since beginning this study, but it's worth every battle every fight. It strengthens my spirit to be happy, and I'm trying to set goals around strengthening my spirit and my mind. Now for my body, I watch what I eat and how much. I try not to overeat or undereat. Neither is good, so I try to eat healthy and right. This is a goal on my chart, cuz sometimes I eat one meal a day, and that's even worse. So my goal is to eat at least twice a day and strive for a 3rd time, even if it's just something light.

Off to step 6 tomorrow.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 11:57 pm
by loveiskind
That is so awesome sis! Eating healthier is one of my goals too; another is losing weight.
When I have days like I had yesterday--a pounding sinus headache from the time I woke up--it is impossible to even think about strengthening my mind, much less my body and spirit.

Love ya *hug*