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so blessed

PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 8:57 pm
by huelsingbroad
i am so blessed today. although i was very saddened by an ongoing struggle with my spouse to be a christian, i feel good in my soul.
as i showered for work i was reassured that HE knows every tear i cry over feeling like the rejected wife over my relationship with HIM.
Is 54:6 say "the LORD has called thee as a woman forsaked, as a wife of youth when thou wast refused, saith the LORD."

that encourages me to press on. i know the closer i get, the more things will attempt to hinder my becoming the woman GOD wants me to be, but no more! this time i will follow where HE leads no matter what.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 9:16 pm
by mlg
Amen!!! You know the one thing you have to remember is that God can't work on your hubby until He works on you. And the more you grow...the more your hubby will grow...yes the changes might come slowly...but with patience God molds everyone in His time...just never give up sis...hold on and pray for your hubby...and keep doing those things God would have you do.

God is proud of you sis.

luv ya