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MCFC-Step 3

PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 8:43 pm
by sleeplessinflorida
I truly believe in order for me to continue to grow with God and have the Holy Spirit present at all times, I have to feed my soul the TRUTH daily. I know first hand that when I stop feeding myself with the TRUTH even for just one day, how easily you can fall into the pit of this world. It's like a suction cup out there. Lord knows I don't want to let that happen to me again. I want to do his will and although at times it's not easy, I know it's worth it. I owe him that and more.

Thank you Lord for never giving up on me and for being patient with me. *ILuvJesus*

PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 9:06 pm
by Dora
Amen and I as well. :)

PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 10:44 pm
by mlg
Sleepless step 3 already...your moving on through :) Isn't this a great program?

So...feeding the soul to keep us out of the world...such a big aspect of our walk with the Lord. Do you find that you thirst for the Truth? I mean it's like the more I feed my soul...the more I crave the's just so wonderful. helps us continue to walk the path of Jesus instead of taking the pitfalls the world tries to continually tempt us with.

Your doing great sleepless...keep growing sis.

luv ya