MCFC-Step 2

This forum is for those who are participating in the Many Called Few Chosen program and for those who feel that they have been Called by God. This is the place to share thoughts with others who also feel called. Many have been Called by God to serve Him BUT few will be chosen. The reason is simple ... Few choose to answer the Call. Have you been CALLED? Join this forum and find out how you can better answer your calling.
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MCFC-Step 2

Postby sleeplessinflorida » Tue Feb 16, 2010 12:17 am

My sister called me Friday afternoon and asked for me to come over Saturday and help her with some more decluttering, organizing, cleaning, and redecorating. The thing is, I was happy that she called to ask for help. This is a huge step for my sister. I am seeing first hand how God is using me and it fills my heart with sooo much joy. *WooHoo* First, my sister is realizing that you can help one another without expecting anything in return, which is one of the reasons she doesn't ask for help; second, she acknowledge how things have been running more smoothly since I've been helping her. All of this and much more gives me the opportunity to Praise the Lord and tell her about him. I didn't even realize this until I did Step 2, then I remembered the things I've said. I know this may sound weird, but it's true. I believe God created the opportunity and the Holy Spirit helped me to speak. My sister now knows that it was God all along that helped her and we owe him all the Glory! Look, even her youngest daughter said to me, Titi (auntie) you're addicted to the bible. I didn't realize it then, but every break I took that is what I was doing. (Reading the Bible) *PraiseGod* That gave me an opportunity to talk to her about reading the bible and all the great stuff in it. My sister has a bible in all the girls room, including hers. *ReadBible* I pray they'll read it!

While I was over at my sister's, she said she had to go to a bridal shower and asked me to come along to simply drop off a card, say hello & goodbye. No problem, I tagged along. We arrived, said hello and apologized that we had to leave so quickly. Her friend walked us out and was sharing the story of how she invited all her neighbors but one. As she was telling us the story, once again, the Holy Spirit helped me to speak and I quoted the scripture of "Thou shall love thy neighbor" and how that was the 2nd most important commandment. *PraiseGod* I really didn't think, it just came to me. Do you know what she said? She said you're right and I will send her a wedding invitation. I mean, just like that. God is good! *band*

I am learning myself more and more everyday. I love this website sooo much because it helps me to get closer to God; it helps me with finding the TRUTH about anything and everything; and it's helping me find myself thru the WORD! Hallelujah I love the Lord Jesus. *AngelYellow* Thank you from the bottom of my heart and Thank you Father :) *dance*
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Postby mlg » Tue Feb 16, 2010 10:45 am

And He continues to work through you...and what is so awesome is how willing you are...and that is all He asks...for us to be the vessell He can use to share the truth with others. You know as it is said...many are called but few are chosen because few choose...well I'm so glad you continue to choose sis. Makes my heart smile.

I also love to read the Bible. I wake up looking forward to my morning reading...and I sleep so well after my nightly reading. It's like food to my soul....and I bet it's the same for you. :)

Enjoy the steps've got more to learn still...and that's exciting.


luv ya
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