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memory-lane , revisited

PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 10:29 am
by vahn
For once , and hopefully finally , I wake up and just sat at the edge of my bed and I found myself asking " Do you hear that ? " nothing !! no noise , no static , no whispers ! . An absolute calm had overtaken me , (without my "permission" , hah ! ) but of course Mr genius here HAS to do something about it right ? , something like "Ok , you're did it this time , you've crossed the treshold , check the mirror see if its still the same body that your head is attatched to . " Just shut up vahn and enjoy the moment ! this may not last long the way you going about it . Down on my knees , hands locked ready for combat , the only words out of my mouth were "Thank You" nothing absolutely no other words would come out , as much as I wanted to . Total "silence" , getting back on my feet wiping the wet stuff off my face ( yeah yeah so I'd turned to mush , so shoot me ok ?) It felt like I'm walking in this (fishing for words to describe ) "fog" , I mean like invisible ,but clear , bright fog that I could actualy "see" . makes sense to anyone ? And more , I was not afraid , apprehensive or even questioning what was going on , I just "knew" ! as if I had always known what it was .

Looking for my shirt , I bumped the desk , the monitor wakes and I see many called page left on from when? how long ? if ? I dont know and I dont care , but one thing for sure , I couldn't help it but smile with the assurance that my face will not crack , the first thing came to mind was my first reaction many moons ago when I responded with "Yep i'd been called a lot of things before and I'm sure this one wont faze me either , I just wanna see what I'm called now ! " Genius huh ? yep I was well when I got here !.

What am I called for To DO , is what counts , and you know what ? I dont know and I dont want to know , I just put one foot in front of the other and do the best I can in everything that God puts in FRONT of me , not the past , not the future or even five minutes from now , besides five minutes ago WAS my past , knowing that the Hand of God had always been Is and always Will be with me to see me thru , and nothing and absolutely nothing is too big for us not be able to carry this message to the next one who my Lord had chosen to see .

May God bless you all with the same

PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 10:38 am
by mlg
Well Good morning vahn, sounds like your day has been a refreshing one so far with the Lord. Enjoy moments like this...soak up some "Son"shine. He loves you so very much....

So what is your calling...ask and you shall Hear :)

luv ya

PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 10:41 am
by Dora
just put one foot in front of the other and do the best I can in everything that God puts in FRONT of me , not the past , not the future or even five minutes from now , besides five minutes ago WAS my past , knowing that the Hand of God had always been Is and always Will be with me to see me thru , and nothing and absolutely nothing is too big for us not be able to carry this message to the next one who my Lord had chosen to see

Amen Vahn!

So you going through the program again?

It has that capability to bring out things a second time that wasn't seen the first time. ;)


PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 12:41 pm
by deetu
vahn remember when I told you a looooooooong time ago that the more we do it, the easier it becomes? You've just become that empty vessel. The one that the Lord is now able to refill everyday so that you can give to others...not just refill, OVERFLOWING!
The words for each person will come easier now because you realize each one is different so you don't have to worry because the wisdom will come immediately for that situation. Luke 12:11-12

So, congratulations! You've become a conduit!*WooHoo*

ps that fog is Glory

PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 1:47 pm
by Mackenaw
Vahn typed:

It felt like I'm walking in this (fishing for words to describe ) "fog" , I mean like invisible ,but clear , bright fog that I could actualy "see" . makes sense to anyone ? And more , I was not afraid , apprehensive or even questioning what was going on , I just "knew" ! as if I had always known what it was .


God is so Good.

God bless you, Vahn.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 8:41 am
by vahn
Thank you all for your encouraging and supportive responses .
Sometimes It feels like I'm using these forums as chat line in slo-mo but then again , the rate I type this is still Autobahn (joke) .

I dont even know where to start my response to you , for with each one that I read just catapulted me into "the way i was " zone (which by the way , coming up with the title of this post was no coincidence , in fact I dont even know where it came from but I do now , dont I ?)) .

Well deetu :
I told you a looooooooong time ago

:P to you too ok ? yeah , just rub it in wont you ? *hug*

Pine :
that capability to bring out things ... that wasn't seen the first time.

How could I had noticed ? I was on auto-pilot at the time, too wrapped up with the "what's this what's that" stuff that I all but missed the target !.

mlg :
So what is your calling...

(there's always one in every family that just loooove to blind-side you huh ? ) well mlg , I learnt a long time ago not to minimize God by thinking that I know what His plans are according to my understanding of it .
Deut : 29 v 29 , "the secret things belong to The Lord our God " .
in another place it says , "My thoughts are not your thoughts" .
So I wont even dare go there , My job is ,
ask and you shall Hear
and to obey without any doubt , fear or apprehension , (the notorious "what if's" ) knowing the fact that God will never fail me as long as I wont fail Him , because , as Mac put it
God is so Good.

Once again thank you all , I got some "fishing" to do , sitting in front of the monitor is not a spot for it .

Luv you all , GB

PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 10:29 am
by deetu
hee hee, people can tell us all they want but we have to get it on our own in our own time. But when you get it, you get it.
And it is such a cool gifting to have.

God wants you to know that you can always trust Him to give you the words for the person you are helping when you need it. Don't doubt, thinking that it is your thoughts because sometimes the wisdom you are getting is different then what you would think the person needs.
Remember, the enemy can only put thoughts in your mind but cannot read it so take a moment to quietly question the Spirit before giving something you are not sure of.
And that will get easier and easier as you do it too

PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 11:01 am
by mlg
:) Hope you hook a whole mess of them for Him :) Would love to see the angels rejoicing over one lost soul finding Him soon.

luv ya

Re: memory-lane , revisited

PostPosted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 7:35 pm
by Lani
Hey Vahn,

Awesome!! Thanks for sharing your experience.

That Invisible, bright "Fog" is glorious isn't it?

vahn wrote:the only words out of my mouth were "Thank You" nothing absolutely no other words would come out ,

The simplest answer to convey what your heart felt, I am sure that made Him smile.

Just shut up Vahn"

;) hey, you heard it bro.

May the peace of that moment and the knowledge of the Holy Spirit's presence remain with you always!

Peace and Luv in Christ,

*BlessYou* Lani


PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 10:14 am
by Tam
Like this Vahn........How many times have I told myself to just hush for one minute and listen.....
Amazing what we can hear or feel when we do that huh?
Keep up the good work.
Love ya