3/14 Choosing the Lord over all

This forum is for those who are participating in the Many Called Few Chosen program and for those who feel that they have been Called by God. This is the place to share thoughts with others who also feel called. Many have been Called by God to serve Him BUT few will be chosen. The reason is simple ... Few choose to answer the Call. Have you been CALLED? Join this forum and find out how you can better answer your calling.
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3/14 Choosing the Lord over all

Postby cl0udstr1fe » Tue Jun 02, 2009 12:03 am

Hello Bretheren. It is indeed a very difficult task to remove the weeds from my life. The world around us is SO corrupt, I feel as though I was raised in the most corrupt age of Humanity ever. Evil spews from everywhere. Thank you God, Thank you Christ for your living blood is the only solace in this world. Only he can protect us from the evil one. There is so much in my life that I need to change. And it will be a very arduous journey. I wonder though how I am to travel this road alone with God, when I am a married man. According to the good word, me and her are ONE, so is it not fitting that I feel like only half of me is yearning for God ( i dont mean internally, as an individual I have been quite obsessed with Christ recently, and I dont intend to Change). It's not that I dont think she has faith, but I have asked her and encouraged her to join me in my quest to grow spiritually and I feel like she just ignores it, or brushes it off with nonchalant comments. Even though this world is corrupt, I have found that the Kingdom of God is at hand as it has been since Christ came to this world, and I wish to be an active member, conscientiously taking actions guided by the spirit to improve his Kingdom, through whichever gifts he has bestowed upon me. Wow, my mind is all over the place. I have to go to bed soon, gotta get up early for work.

Good night bretheren, I love you.

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Postby Mackenaw » Tue Jun 02, 2009 1:48 am

Hello Cloudstrife,

God bless you this day.

Cloud, your plight is not uncommon amongst those of us who came to love and walk with Christ after we were married. However, God can work with that. Wooooohoooo!

What I found in my own life was that as I grew in my faith and the peace and joy of God exploded into my life like beautiful fireworks, my husband noticed and became very curious. Yes, initially, I probably pushed him a little too much because one the issues I had was being somewhat of a control freak, but then I came to understand the power of prayer and desiring God's will. Awwwww, God is so very Good.

When we first start walking with God, people wonder if this is just a passing fad, or will we burnout as quickly as we started. The proof is in the fruit that we bear. Fruit takes time to come to harvest. So in time, our loved ones will understand that we are now different. Some will accept the change, some will not. Just keep lifting your wife up in prayer. God knows the desires of your heart, so just find blessed peace in that.

Continue to seek The Lord with your whole heart and receive His blessings. Grow where God plants you. As you start planting good seed, you'll start receiving harvest on those good seed. It's a process, but well worth waiting for. Enjoy this journey, Cloudstrife.

God bless you, Cloudstrife.
In His love,
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Postby mlg » Tue Jun 02, 2009 7:49 am

Cloud, yes you and your wife are ONE as in marriage but right now you are not ONE in your sharing of God's foundation. Be patient and continue showing your wife the Light. God will do a work in her, but it won't happen overnight. Be a witness to her cloud, and don't push her. Just show her who He is in you. All God needs from you cloud is to plant the seed, He will provide the increase. We have a member here, named Bob4Christ, not sure if you have met him, but he has walked this pathway as well, and recently his wife found Jesus due to many years of patience on Bob's part. If you get a chance you might send Bob a private message and ask him to share his story. I know he will be glad to, as it might give you hope as well.

Praying for you cloud. Keep seeking God's will in your life. He wants to do some good things with you.

luv ya
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