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PostPosted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 6:32 pm
by vahn
Yesterday aft/eve I found myself w/a wake-up call with reality.
After spending much of the day, with a certain individual on how dependent they are on certain "issues", places & "things", figured I'd take 5 to clear my head to deal w/my own self. Upon my return , tried to log-in, but couldn't ! ( although I found out the reason later-much later) , I'm going Ok, try again ... & again & again, the more I tried the more I started panicking , to a point where I had to stop & ask myself why was I so afraid ? then it just hit me, how depended I have become on this new friendship that I had form @ OASIS like I had never before in my life ! That I began laughing at myself ! loud enough that my daughter came to the office saying "What's goin on pops ?" I said "Oh nothing, it's just a Fish story, I'm thinking of writing 2morrow" she said "keep me posted will ya"

It is a habit of mine to at the same time I do my sketching, I ask myself little questions, like did I give it my all in everithing put in front of me ? etc. etc. at the end I put my pen down & asked "is this what U want me to do Lord? I still have no clue, but I'm doing it , just in case" "but seeing that you havn't stopped me yet, I'll take it as a yes"
So here I am, in typing class !!

Checkin up on the "progress" our new friend in another forum and not seeng any, decided to reply and in the process I find myself using no uncertain terms & kinda using language we--ll only a person in their state of mind would understand, how's that? Just when it was time to submit it the system started actin-out again (it takes longer than usual) so I decide to copy it, just in case right?

So the sys goes out again only this time I was calmer but nevertheless, still telling myself, may b this is not what God wants me to do today, or may b its b cause I used too harh of words Ladida . Ok , bookmark - step 6 and the title goes ORDAINED !!! HAH !

Isaiah 6:5-9 Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips .....


Isaiah 6:5-9
.....for mine eyes have seen the King, the LORD of hosts. -

1st, in other people, then, by them passing it on to me, mine also .

PostPosted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 9:22 pm
by mlg
And I smile. You know vahn I'm addicted to the Oasis as well. It's because it's the only place I can escape from the world. No trash, no filth, just my Lord all over this site. His love, His promise, His children, and thirsty lost souls looking for a sip of Holy water. My friend that's what this site is all about. Helping others.

Now let's talk a bit about reaching lost souls. Sometimes it takes weeks to see any progress in a hurting soul. Just make a commitment to be there with them and stay with them. I have had so many lost souls say to will leave me...everyone else does. This is when I I won't you will see. And I keep my word. I don't leave. I am always here, waiting for them. Even when I'm not logged on, I carry these souls in my heart. That's what family does. So don't give up, just stay with them til you do see a little bit of progress.

luv ya