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PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 6:25 am
by goldieluvs
ok Step 12. Well i did take the test at the beginning and i got a NOT BAD but could learn more lol... Don't remember the exact scoring of it tho. I did write it down somewhere but i lost it.

I retook it today and got a VERY GOOD. Obviously i still need to learn more but i think we will always need to learn more. we will never stop learning and growing as long as we stay in the Word and follow HS.

So even with my brain as foggy as it has been, HS still helped me to learn THank You Jesus!!!

Learning and growing are awesome things. But ya gotta also let God shine thru ya, giving up dat self ya know?

So, i continue on this journey, KNOWING God is wif me. Ty all for following along wif me, encouraging me. I prolly need to redo step 8 cuz i looked over this blog and for some reason it didn't all sink in. Like a sponge though we can only hold so much at a time.

There were some issues i struggled with obviously, i think the enemy was trying to keep me confused. Thanks to the help from some people i dearly love, they helped me to see more clearly. So ty all for continuing to minister. Sneaky lil buzzard he is. But am continuing on.

Luvs u all.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 9:08 am
by mlg
wooohooo goldie sis, moving on through and up I see. You've taken what you've learned from this study and applied it and your score increased. Proud of you sis. So just 2 more steps to go and you will be on your way to more exciting journeys. Also review any steps that you aren't totally comfortable with as well. This will help you grow even more. God is smiling on you sis. He loves you so much and so do I.


PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 11:37 am
by comfy
Oh, so you're on step 12, in the Many Called Few Chosen study program. Hmm, that's the program I've been in, but I'm only on step four. So, if I'm going to know what you are reading or others are, when I'm visiting your posts . . . I need to get going on my own MCFC :) So, I think I'll go do that, now . . .

PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 6:58 am
by goldieluvs
ty all for the support.

Ok Step 13. Wow actually God was pressing this unto my heart a week or so ago, then i lost focus and never quite started that notebook. So, ima gonna grab it and start. Also i think it could apply not just here but on my job as well. This is really awesome! *run*

Never did do the miracle grow charts either. I know its important so VERY important to strengthen my walk. I see that i need to do better at this.

I do have a blue binder about the color of the light blue in the backgrounds of everything. I have kept some stuff in it from here. (seemed fitting as it reminded me of here.) I see now that there are some more ways to do this.

Will need a few materials. But thats ok, I can accomplish this by spending around 20.00, in meantime since i went wild on shopping spree i will wait til my next paycheck and in meantime will just keep it on paper or a notebook that i allready have but maybe started using for other purposes.

Now, to go back and start that chart!

Ty all for walking wif me. Still got lots to learn and do. But God will help me.


PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 7:15 am
by Dora
Hello Goldie *Wave*

Don't let the world get you blinded so you forget Gods purpose. We have an enemy that loves to get us off focus.

Glad to see you back at it.


luv ya

PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 9:35 am
by mlg
Step 13 goldie :) And your going to go back and start the cool is that. Make them simple and achievable sis. That way you won't get discouraged. If you need to, limit the number of items you start with as well.

Also, keeping notes on members is important as well. That way you can keep up with them. I do this a lot.

One more step to go sis...

luv ya

PostPosted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 10:03 pm
by deetu

PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 7:21 am
by goldieluvs
Step 14 WOOO HOOOOO!! There for awhile, i wasnt sure i would finish. I am REALLY glad i did though. Was gonna start on Spirit of Truth next, but i know my mind wasnt real clear at times on this one. So maybe i go back and redo pieces of this one while i am working on the Spirit of Truth one. From what i hear Spirit of Truth is totally Awesome and will bring much peace. I got my note book ready for tracking and to help me keep peeps straight. Sometimes i feel like scarecrow... if i only had a brain rofl.. ok that was just downright silly. I have a brain it just dont always work like i want it to. But God is in control.

Also I have a blank miracle grow chart, though i am supposed to use three. These are awesome in that they can apply both in CCCC study and in MCFC study.

I am somewhat sick today, achy, ears hurting, cold type symptoms. My dad goes for heart cath today, last time they said that he had to go straight to hospital and had five heart bypasses. He was in the hospital for two or three weeks. But thank God he made it. I can't see him cuz of whatever i got. Plus i called in sick. Though i may try and go in later.Am gonna be *Pray* for him and ask anyone else who may feel led to also *Pray* . They are much appreciated.

Well, this has certainly taught me i should be working for the Lord and not myself. I think perhaps i have been selfish putting me first even here, more times than i should have. I do think we ALL need refreshining at times. And i dont think there is anything wrong with that. But someone told me.. if i don't continue to reach; what is left? I think that applies even when u are the one needing the help too. Ty for following me on this journey. It was awesome study!


PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 7:55 am
by mlg
Yay!!! Goldie!!! *angelbounce* Finished the study...but there's so much more yet...this is just the God is going to use you to do things for Him that you could not have imagined before. Just be ready and willing when He calls...step out and allow Him to use you always. God is so very proud of you goldie, and He loves you very much. I can't wait to see what He has planned for you next. Your really gonna like the Spirit of Truth study. Enjoy!!

luv ya sis

PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 10:58 am
by Dora
Goldie sis *hug*

Possably you are sick so you can spend more time in prayer today.
Sorry you are not well. Sounds like the same thing I had yesterday.
If it's any consolations tomorrow should be better. Just a terrible cough and still a bit tired.

I am glad you made it through the MCFC. Doesn't it feel great. :)
The spirit of truth study is awesome. You'll love it.
I am certain in all the studies I have missed things as I have days my mind is not available. Sometimes weeks. ;)
So I go back each of them, CCCC included, and refresh. I will the MCFC when I'm done with it this time.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 10:59 pm
by deetu
Yea Goldie *WooHoo*

PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 3:27 am
by goldieluvs
WOW is all i can say about this study. Was amazing. Enemy came at me hard which yall witnessed in my journals. In the end.....God!
ty all
