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PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 11:06 am
by mlg
I don't know sis, but the same thing happened to me when I did the study. I scored the same at the beginning and the end...does that mean we are set in our ways? rofl

Either way, don't let the test scores bother ya, because loving others is not a's Life.

luv ya

PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 12:56 pm
by Tam
scary thought mlg...set in our ways rofl

PostPosted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 10:47 pm
by deetu
I thought something was wrong because I also got the same score until mlg told me she did too. Some of the questions didn't have right answers to them :)

Come on, if you were in a blizzard, and had the only coat, would you throw it away? Somehow sharing it would be good. See, wouldn't that be a better answer? Oops, sorry.... *Whistle*

Tam, don't you feel great? You look great girl!

PostPosted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 1:01 pm
by Tam
Day 13....Fishers of men

Well today we were to make a chart to keep up with souls we are trying to reach for the kingdom. Well I got my chart ready and it has a few names of peeps I am talking to on it so.........


Love you guys and thanks for sticking by me.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 1:25 pm
by mlg
woohoo Tam, go out and throw them some Love bait....

He is so very proud of you.

luv ya

PostPosted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 1:28 pm
by xxJILLxx

woo hoo thank goodness we got the Truth for bait

*Whistle* im going fishing, im going fishing , la la la la la

Hi ho hi ho its off to work we go *Whistle* hi ho hi ho hi ho hi ho


love ya sis!



PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 5:13 pm
by Tam
Wow day 14 Finished another study....

Can not believe that it has been 42 days and 3 studies later that I have come here to Oasis.
Just sitting here remembering when I first came here. What a mess but yet so was a do or die situation. It amazes me how God honors our seriousness when we are on our last thread of hope. He doesn't push us deeper into the valley; he strengthens the cord on which we are hanging and sends out a life line.
I came here not liking myself or anyone else. Life stunk and so did everything in life. I can say today that glory to God I like me, I know who I am and I know where I am going!
I am by no means saying that those 42 days were easy....Those were the hardest days of my life. Having to face obstacles and trials that were deeply buried and not wanting to face much less totally pull out the root but knowing that it was in my best interest if I that I could know my Father and so that I could know love. Amazing how faithful God is and how Loving He is and that he never gives up on us.
I have by no means arrived....and I still have a long way to go......but with God's help and strength I will get there. The most important thing to me now is to let people know that God loves them so much and will receive them right where they are, just as they are. I am so thankful to him for putting Oasis in my life at the most critical time..not a minute to short or a minute to late.
Thank God that He is so faithful and loving to His children. Thank you are for being a vital part of my healing.
I love you guys so Let's go fishing!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 7:14 pm
by mlg
*walks into Tam's post caring this best bait...Love*

Tam my sister, you have come such a long way, and yet you know there's still more. But...more than anything your ready to reach out to souls and tell them about Jesus and how much He wants to do for them. I'd like to tell you that now that you've walked through the steps, refresh your virtue often. This is done by spending time in God's presence. Getting away from it all, praying, listening to Christian music, and reading your Bible. Once your virtue is full...then you can go fish some more....always keep it filled.

So happy for you sis, I know God is going to use you in an awesome way...wooohoooo!!!

luv ya so very much

PostPosted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 8:07 pm
by xxJILLxx

woo hooo!

tammy tam!

so proud of u my sis! And yes i know Dad is too!

Gbu sis on yr next journey with HIm


PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 9:40 am
by Tam
I need to make a correction......I have been here for 56 days....I have done the CCCC steps, He took, Rest from incest,,and Mcfc that even makes it more unreal! All wonderful lessons by the way.

PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 1:25 pm
by comfy
Hi, Tam . . . I just checked out that test in the Many Called Few Chosen place. The test "result" that we get is a
*range* . . . in my case 71%-80%. So, my exact value could be anything from 71 to 80, on my first test. Now, if I first got a &1%, for example, and then I go through this class and learn better how to love and to be more honest with God, I might then get 77%; but this would still be in the *range* of 71-80, so I would get the same result > 71%-80%, since both my scores are within this range.

This test examines how we are as Christians. So, it can take a while to grow to get a higher score, and there's only about ten days in between taking the same test. So, there might not be a very big difference in the second score.

Also, I might not have been very honest when I took the test, the first time. So, the second time I might get a lower score, not because I have gotten worse, but because I have become more aware of what the honest answers are to some of the questions ;)

In my case, there were questions that did not have the answer that was really true of me, but I believe I had to answer every question; so I kind of bluffed on some. The real answers would possibly have made my score *lower*.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 11:49 am
by goldieluvs
wow Tam, i am in awe. I waited til i completed the study before checking urs. I must say my at how u have grown in the Lord! I struggled a lot through this study, but in the end, i realized i really did learn much and am working on putting it into practice, not for me,,, but because God called, for His Glory, to try to show others just wat Jesus can do for them and how He is there regardless of whether you feel Him or not. Oh my have you grown. How awesome. You are right, u are not the same person who walked in here a few months back. I do see and overcomer and survivor in you, Keep on a fishing sis!
