MCFC-2nd Time through

This forum is for those who are participating in the Many Called Few Chosen program and for those who feel that they have been Called by God. This is the place to share thoughts with others who also feel called. Many have been Called by God to serve Him BUT few will be chosen. The reason is simple ... Few choose to answer the Call. Have you been CALLED? Join this forum and find out how you can better answer your calling.
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Postby vahn » Thu Jan 14, 2010 1:20 pm

Romans 10: 19 ... or is it 20 , take a pick . rofl

Luv ya
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Postby mlg » Thu Jan 14, 2010 1:24 pm

uh huh...see I told ya you should read step 4 again...look how it ties in so well :P
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Postby deetu » Thu Jan 14, 2010 1:36 pm

You know, I always say "Did you ask God?" when friends are having troubles but then, my sister always has to remind me of the same thing because I forget for myself *BigGrin*

Glad God sent you a friend *Hug9*
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Postby mlg » Fri Jan 15, 2010 9:03 pm

Step 5

The calling...

So I'm asked to look inside myself to see what my calling true calling is to reach out to the lost souls of the world and share the love of Jesus with them. My heart is full for these souls...I truly hear their moans and cries and just want them to know that there is Hope out there...and to not give seek the Light.

This step talks about giving up our life for Jesus...I spend every extra minute I can with Jesus...whether it's sitting at His feet or answering His life is based around my love for Jesus. There are many things I have sacrificed for Him...because I know that He needs me to be available whenever He calls for my service.

I have to comment on something I found a bit humorous in this step...when talking about the speech of Paul and how He was often regarded as being rude and his speaking as contemptible...but I think this probably comes from the fact that Paul spoke the Truth and didn't tickle peoples ears...and therefore they felt he was abrasive...yet Paul was just being honest.

This step also discusses gifts in our calling. I know that my administrations are teaching and helps. I tend to worry if healing would be part of my administrations as I have walked with many through emotional healings...not necessarily physical healings but mental. Is that what this step is meaning? Not sure but I'm thinking it might be as well.

I know I'm called to tend the Lord's sheep and I do so willingly.
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Postby vahn » Fri Jan 15, 2010 9:40 pm

Day five already huh ? Was beginning to wonder when that was to come about ? *Whistle*

On the comment about Paul , candy-coating something still spells cover-up to me *dunno*

Helping others to heal . Well , you know too well that it is our Lord who does the Healing , I just show them how I accomplished that , like going through the steps to help me open up the channels to be able to hear His Voice rather than anybody else's including my own , and you know what ? By walking them through the steps , I am doing them once again , and again right ? and in the process more and more channels are getting to open up . Win-win situation isn't it ?

Doing great MLG , keep on pressin' on
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Postby Dora » Fri Jan 15, 2010 11:44 pm


Gift of healing - Him working through you to heal. Sounds to me mental, emotional or physical. Who's to box the gift and confine it to just one area? Sure not me. lol

It's so wonderful to be used by him to help others. I have a tendency to forget what he's done through me, which is a great benefit as then I will receive my treasure in heaven and not struggle to brag or be proud. But it would be nice to have a brain so I could remember something. lol

Sorry just stepped in to babble in your journal.

*steps back out* *Whistle*
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Postby Mackenaw » Sat Jan 16, 2010 4:49 am

Hello Mlg *hug*

I just wanted to offer this about Paul's manner of speech. Even though he was highly intelligent and well schooled, his speech was rude in that it was rudimentary -- elementary -- simple; also, contemptible in that his way of speaking was not impressive. People were so used to the way the Pharisees spoke, rather eloquently and pious, that they had come accustomed to their leaders being "above" them and intimidating, and sadly those that spoke to them on their own level, they considered weak and had less respect for.

Sorta like when The Messiah, Christ Jesus, showed up -- they were expecting an impressive looking Warrior, not some humble looking guy.

Reminds me of the song Joan Osborne sang, entitled "What If God Were One of Us."

God bless you, Mlg. *hug*
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Postby mlg » Sat Jan 16, 2010 11:48 am

Step 6

This step talks about how God calls us and not man. Our calling comes through the Holy Spirit.

One part that really caught my eye when reading this was the part about Simon who tried to buy the calling of the Holy Spirit. This still happens a lot today. People go to churches and throw in money and expect to receive something in return. But the calling of the Holy Spirit is a blessing from God and the only way to receive it is for Him to give it to you.

I know that God has ordained me and that through God's call is the only way I am able to reach out and try to do anything in His name. One of my main objectives is to remain humble in this knowledge and to know that without God I can do nothing of myself. So I have to remember to give God the glory, to seek His direction, and to only do those things in which He has asked.

I've seen a few times where people will try and tell me what is what when it comes to being ordained but I know that God is the one in control of ordination not man.
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Postby vahn » Sat Jan 16, 2010 12:52 pm


Now you're going too fast for me to be able to respond ..... with anything else than ... AMEN !
(I gotta go back and read the step again myself , this is too good to pass up)

Keep up the good work MLG
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Postby deetu » Sat Jan 16, 2010 1:01 pm

God is doing new and different things so of course the people who are stuck with keeping God in a box can't see a growth in you as anything but wrong.
YOU know it is right, so what does it matter what they think?

Just look at what He is doing with Oasis site. Who would have thought this would be possible 10, even 5 years ago.
Reaching the lost and hurting here.
And mlg, you are a big part of that *Hug9*

ps My Pastor said that almost everything he learned in seminary he doesn't use since God touched him. He likes to tell everyone that Jesus likes him.
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Postby mlg » Sun Jan 17, 2010 4:14 pm

Step 7 Halfway point on the path :)

Today's step is about the Holy Spirit...a wonderful friend of mine. I love the Holy Spirit...He has revealed so much to me...and what's interesting is I find He has a wonderful sense of humor :) I love laughing with Him. He's so laid back when it's resting time...and very serious when something is important that He has to show me. Walking in the Spiritual Realm with Him is just amazing....He takes me places I could never imagine being...and even though the things He is showing me may seem's really peaceful standing there I hear Him say do not be afraid I have something to show you.

There are times that I feel so far away from God...I think it's during these times that I'm not necessarily walking the pathway that God wants me to...and the Holy Spirit has had to leave my presence. :( I'm not saying God has left me...but that I might be making choices that the Holy Spirit can not agree with and therefore He must move away...leaving me with that feeling of being far away. I read in this study that even our thoughts can take us away from the Holy Spirit...I think this goes back to the need to renew my mind. I'm really working on this more and more. Trying to capture the thoughts before they take off and get out of hand.

The Holy Spirit also gives us gifts. Some of my gifts are: Wisdom, Knowledge, Faith, Discerning of Spirits, Healing.

I do not speak in tongues nor do I have the gift to interpret them, nor do I have the gift of prophecy. I think if there was one gift I would like to have it would be the gift of prophecy...but Holy Spirit has found that this is not a gift that I need, and I accept that He knows what is best.

Using the gifts He has given me to bring Him something I need to make sure I do diligently. The gifts He has bestowed upon me are for His use and I want to see that I use them as He would have me to do.
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Postby Dora » Sun Jan 17, 2010 4:40 pm

Woo Hoo! Way to go! Half way there. Don't you wish there was a step for everyday of the year. :)

Holy Spirit study! Isn't he awesome! I love studying about him.

GBU sister
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