The Battle for Middle Earth: This World or His World

This forum is for those who are participating in the Many Called Few Chosen program and for those who feel that they have been Called by God. This is the place to share thoughts with others who also feel called. Many have been Called by God to serve Him BUT few will be chosen. The reason is simple ... Few choose to answer the Call. Have you been CALLED? Join this forum and find out how you can better answer your calling.
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Postby josinella » Mon Mar 15, 2010 10:36 am

I went to church Sunday. I find it interesting how God knows the right time to move us, even when we don't feel ready. I feel like Moses must have felt. I went back to church without my fiancee', who had a meltdown. I decided to give it to God, my fiancee' needs to spiritually growup! I feel like I have been doing it all and it is time for me to get out of the way of the Holy Spirit because only He can to do ALL best!

I haven't responded to the pastor's note, I will wait for divine guidance in that. When I went to church, I was warmly greeted by my close circle of saints who know what's going on. They let me know, individually, that they are in prayer for us and feel like if the membership were to know what is going on things would have to be addressed. For me, I feel better because somehow I feel that God wanted this to happen. I think there is a divine lesson for all parties involved.

What God has put together, let no man put asunder. This implies an order of things, a divine priority. It also requires the discernment of God's presence in the lives of others as we minister to them. Often times man gets his/her priorities backwards and allow desires/beliefs of man to run ahead of divine purpose. This is why it is vitally important that as we assist others, we do it prayerfully, calling on the in-dwelling of the Holy Spirit to guide us. The minister, in his conversation did not offer prayer prior to our meeting besides being angry and judgmental. His intervention was not done in the spirit of humility.

The lesson in this for me is, that as I grow stronger in Him I must stay focused on Him, in all things that I do and to call upon Him, especially when people try to provoke me. As my girlfriend told me: Satan doesn't want the people he already has. He wants those that he doesn't have. I credit the pastors statements due to inexperience. I am not so sure that he or this deacon believe in the spiritual life which they referenced as emotional and a place for the devil. It is really scary to know that we voted someone to preside over us that feels this way, but I will wait on the Lord for His direction. Another lady in the church feels that we have let Satan in the pulpit. I broke down and cried when she said this because I thought that I was the only one that saw many things, besides this, going on.

I see this as a spiritual growth point for me and I anxiously await His direction. I love all of you and want you to know that I am growing stronger everyday.
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Postby mlg » Mon Mar 15, 2010 11:03 am

Josinella...I see such Faith in your words today...knowing that God has the best directions...knowing that even if you have to wait awhile to receive His answers that you will do so...awwww how happy He must be with His precious josinella. :)

Sis, I do want to say that during these times when there are issues within the church...that prayer is the Power you need to utilize...God changes things...and with Prayer He can move. I too will be praying.

May you know how much we love you too dear sis. You are special to us.

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