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PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 2:29 pm
by Dora
Amen Tam

God loves you and so do I! *hug*

PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 2:40 pm
by deetu
hee hee... *hug5* *Buddy* *Hug9* *hug5*

PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 5:19 pm
by Tam
Day 5 The Calling

Wow....I don't feel very called today but I do know that God is still in control.

I know that I have been called to work with children. And I am sure that God has other areas just can't say for sure what they are yet. Still listening on that one.
I have submitted to God and am willing to do whatever it is He would have me to do.
We are all called to let Jesus shine through us. Sometimes that is very had to do , but you have to throw off the bad and lean on Him. We are in this world but not of this world. Thank God that He has set me apart to be with Him for such a time as this.
I anxiously await to know what my full calling in him is so that I can get busy doing what I need to do for him. Don't get me wrong... I am doing things now to reach out and touch the hurting and the lost....just want to be in His perfect will. I love being here at Oasis and being able to be a shoulder for those to lean on or an ear for those to talk to.
I thank God everyday for bringing me here and for touching my life and requiring me to be fully trusting and leaning on Him.
Love you guys

PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 7:05 pm
by mlg
Tam I think our callings evolve as we continue to grow. When I first came to the Oasis, I wasn't called to reach souls on the counseling forums. In fact, I'd say I had been here at least a year, when God called me to that forum...then about a year ago, God called me to the Here I Am, Send Me program which helps other Christians learn how to step out in their call to reach the lost souls. I think as you grow more and more sis, God will reveal more paths for you...including defining your calling and redefining it.

Your doing awesome with these steps sis.

luv ya

PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 12:11 am
by xxJILLxx

kids are so much fun and i agree with mlg and i do think His plans for us change as we grow.

Gbu sis!


PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 2:35 pm
by Tam
Day 6 Ordained

Thank God that Jesus did see fit to choose me and to save me. What an honor and a privilege to serve such an awesome God. He is just perfect for our every need and He is all we need. He gave his life for us......serving him is the least I can do for Him. Not out of obigation but out of pure love for him. Ordained? Not sure....think I am....I have such a passion to talk about him all the time ...He has become my best friend and I want Him to become real to everyone I come in contact with. I could not imagine a day without sitting and talking with Him and listening for his direction in my life. Since my time here at Oasis.....God has done so much for me...I owe him my life and I say Here Am I ....Lord use me. I am not my own.
So if that is what ordained feels like then Yes I am ordained. I was always raise that once you felt called that man ordained you so this is new to me. So I am not really sure how to answer that Question. But
I can say that God knows my heart and He knows that I am a willing vessel to do his work.
I can not thank him enough for sending me to Oasis to find a life full of love and trust for him.
Thank you Jesus

Love you guys

PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 3:03 pm
by mlg

Step 6 already? Wow your moving right along. So you know that you want to help others. That right there is all you need. I can assure you that God has a place in mind for you after you finish this. He is so very proud of you.

luv ya sis

PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 10:49 pm
by Lani

I am so incredibly honored to witness all the work the Lord has done in your heart!

You are beautiful, and have always been... I am just glad you can see the light within you now!

You are on an amazing road and He is using you for good! I can't wait to see where He leads you!!!!
*BlessYou* Love Ya Sis!!!!

*BearLove* Lani

PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 1:06 pm
by Tam
Day 7 Holy Spirit

Wow.....a recap and it is funny how you re-read something and makes even more since to you. I find myself everyday ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and help. I offer him a seat in my vehicle and am talking to him continuously. What a difference that has made in my life. Just to know in a time of need we have a comforter that is able and willing to help us. We just have to learn to ask for the help. It is ours..Free for the asking.
I am so thankful for all these studies that are opening my eyes to areas I have been blinded to. Even tho the day has its battles.......we still can make it because we have one who loves us so much. We have to rely on him and his strength to get us through. Battles bring victories and victories bring growth. I pray that I never stop growing in the Lord and that my relationship only gets stronger and stronger as I can not live another day without Him in my life.
Until tomorrow....

love you guys

PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 2:06 pm
by comfy
Jill, you wrote:kids are so much fun and i agree with mlg and i do think His plans for us change as we grow.

A boy might not be able to know what he needs to do with his life. He might see a fireman with a great red fire truck making its so-exciting siren noise, and . . . boy would I love to have a giant toy like that; so I'm going to be a fireman when I grow up.

But then he grows and discovers women, perhaps.

If he's lucky, he will discover love. But this would come with being brought up by people who know how to relate in love. And then he would have very different and better interests.

Like this, we need to grow in God's love, in order to really find out what He has for us. Our *gifts* may be good and perfect (James 1:17), but as younger Christians we are not exactly so perfect. But our gifts make us able to do things needed in the church . . . while we grow in God's love which has *all* His gifts and capability, more and more shared with us as we keep growing "up in all things into Him who is the head---Christ---" (in Ephesians 4:15).

PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 4:22 pm
by mlg
Tam your already half way through...wooohooo seems like yesterday you were starting these steps. Sis, I really like how you mentioned that you are now inviting the Holy Spirit to take a ride with you. When you are called this becomes so very important...His presence in your calling. We can never do what He calls us to do alone, and you are very aware of Him and the fact that you are inviting Him along? oh sis, you have found something that often takes others years to've found the Power of the Holy happy for you.

luv ya sis

PostPosted: Sun Aug 23, 2009 10:55 am
by Tam
Day 8 Spiritual Gifts.....

This is getting deep...good but deep. I believe that we all have spiritual gifts...but like the teaching says we don't know them. We have to have to ask the Holy Spirit for guidance.
I have a problem talking about all this stuff in these blogs because it makes me feel uncomfortable like boastful or bragging...Does that make sense? I have never been one to talk about me or the things I do.....have just always given God the credit and totally relied on him for my gifts.
Having been abused all my life, when meeting a person I usually immediately know if they have been abused or not. I think that is discernment that the Holy Spirit has given me. I can't explain it but God tends to let me know when a person is down and needs prayer. I love to pray for people...but only pray out loud for them ...when I feel the Holy Spirit leading me in that direction.
Without the Holy Spirit I am nothing....For every gift I have or that He is choosing to give me....I am forever greatfull I keep no praise and honor for myself...but it all goes to God. He alone deserves all the credit. I am just His willing servant. Here am I Lord send me! I will do whatever it is you have desired for me to do.
I love you Father and thank you for all you have done are doing and are going to do in my life.

Love you guys