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This forum is for those who are participating in the Many Called Few Chosen program and for those who feel that they have been Called by God. This is the place to share thoughts with others who also feel called. Many have been Called by God to serve Him BUT few will be chosen. The reason is simple ... Few choose to answer the Call. Have you been CALLED? Join this forum and find out how you can better answer your calling.
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Postby vahn » Sun Feb 01, 2009 1:48 pm

Funny thing, at CCCC when I got to day 7 , my computer was acting up forcing me to skip a day, and yesterday, here , I was at day 7 Hmmm !
(Why do today , what u can do 2morrow ,right ?) Wrong ! do 2day as you are given today, today !

Any way - today - step 7 - Does it have a lot to say or what ? Dont even know where to start, for it covered ( or should I say uncovered) so many things I had so "CONveniently" tucked in out of sight for so long , but also at the same time being full aware of the fact that they will surface one day, and that when they do, will end up in the wrong hands, so to speak, and in turn suffer the consequences,( being mocked & so forth).
But, thanx to OASIS & my new-found friends , I feel safe enough , to let out what'd been "hidden" , and to finally be understood.

Ever since childhood, I had this idea of God as being some Super-Man, and that if you made the slightest mistake, you get Zapped !!
For some reason or other, somehow I knew , or thought, that the closer you get to God , the more severe the consequences will be, should you fail or give up and turn back or something , which almost paralyzed me with fear.
It wasn't that I didn't want His aquaintance that I was afraid of, but rather knowing I am going to make that mistake , so I figured ,"Dont let Him know who you are , & all will be fine." and if that wasn't bad enough, parents take us to church one day and I hear this "No matter how much you sin, God will forgive you" I went " That's good to hear, - I'll come back later ! when I'm 80 something "

Oh, how little that I know, and how foolish had I been. But , hoever, I had always been fascinated (to this day) by the parables Jesus used that were recited to me by my gramps, so much so that, a 100 years later, when I finally started reading myself, was inspired to produce digital art poster collection for my gallery and called it MASTER-pieces . - sold out within 2 hrs - made me go hmm, let me see what else is in the Bible !
Sifting through it, I get to where one of the desciples is asking the Master why is it that He speaks in such manner (parables) that's hard for people to understand ? .... then I read "HE WHO HAS EARS, LET HIM HEAR"
Sooo, I reach to the side of my head (no ! just kiddin !!)

It was that very statement by our Lord that set me off on this "Searching Expedition" that was, eventually, to change my entire life - 4 Ever, I hope- , step 7 (both) reaffirms my belief of that "ear" is God's
Spirit which had been within me all along, I can only "hear" Him in SPIRIT.

In conclusion, I would like to insert something I say often in AA, which at my first utterance of it had no clue where it came from, "When the Heart speaks - the Heart listens , which leaves your head with no room for debate".
Today my Lord says to me , "For each of my Children I have a plan, and I have one just for you, you do it now or you do it later, but do it you will, I have time, you dont !"

But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God....John 1:1
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Postby mlg » Sun Feb 01, 2009 11:05 pm

So you made it through step 7. Awesome. I see your learning a lot as well. You know what though...that verse for him who has ears let him hear....how deaf we were before we finally opened our "ears" to Him. We only heard what the world had to say...not what He had to say. Isn't life so much more wonderful...now that you've decided to Listen?

luv ya my friend
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Postby vahn » Sun Feb 01, 2009 11:33 pm

There's way too much "noise" in the world (my head) that I couldn't even hear myself, let alone God, especially when His voice is so still.

It's so quiet in His House where his Spirit is (in my heart), that I can only go there in Spirit and when I go there in Spirit I practically dont need ears.
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