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Praise's journal

PostPosted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 9:13 am
by praisetheking95
Hiyaa all *hug* :D

Thought I'd give this a go lol

Today twas verry awsome at church :D... we were talking about having confidence in God and believing he will always keep us safe and happy :D...

Then we got onto how God has blessed us with our friends who support us and help us :D so we made friendship bracelets for each other to remind us that when we are in trouble our friends and God are there with us :D..mee and my besties made a pledge never to take them off ..I gunna stick to it ...usually with things like that I give up after two weeks but this actually really means something to me :D

And i reaalised something veeery awsome for me *clap* finally :D but im not gunna post it again because I already posted it in teen turf and im heading out soon anyways lol :D

Looove you all

May God bless you today and always


PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 3:55 pm
by praisetheking95
Heyya all *hug*

twas having a time of thinking today... many people believe that God don't care for us or isn't there...

Okaii i want you all to look out your window (well unless it faces a brick wall lol) and look at your surroundings ...

...God is so amazing that he made all of this...

Now look in the mirror :D... God spent time making every single detail about you... He made you the way you are ...The Creator of everything that exists ...created every single thing about you...and he made you UNIQUE!

No one
Q uite like
Everyone is different

No one else is EXACTLY like you! No one else will EVER LOOK exactly like you! No one else will EVER BE exactly like you...

You are totally different from everyone else

In school often people can be picked on for being DIFFERENT or WEIRD

but you know what none of us are the same...


I looked up the word DIFFERENT and WEIRD in the dictionary...

weird- strikingly odd or unusual
Different- differing from all others; not ordinary

Well what is ordinary or usual?

There is NO ORDINARY :D...we are unique so none of us are weird...

...either that or we are all weird lol

God made us all different for a reason...


HAD AN AWWWSOME DAY ... *run* got an A on my religious education test on debating about God *Clap*

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 4:49 pm
by momof3
since ya didnt lock your journal, lil gonna sneak in here and comment to ya *laughter*

you know what? you are soooo right! We are made by the hands of God! Imagine.....the hands of God, Himself! Made to be just the way we are.

weird..??? well, yeah!! set apart.....different.....wouldnt want it any other way! Unique....awesome! Imagine a bunch of people, all the same, thinkin the same ways, having the same personalities and no one doing anything different from anyone else...He is awesome, yes? the Perfect..perfecting from the inside out what He made to Love and love Him back!

I know, im rambling....

just wanted to stop in and say lil are awesome!

<<<<<<<<sneaks back out before ya catch me in your journal rofl

love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!

PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 5:06 pm
by praisetheking95
tee heee *run* :D

Imagine.....the hands of God, Himself! Made to be just the way we are.

thats what i was thinking about earlier and It like bleeew me away :D
He is AWSOMEE! :D *Clap*

yeah...i love the fact that everyone is different.. :D how boring would life be if we werent? we would just be clones!..even though people pick on people for being "weird", "different" or "a freak"

well...I love people who embrace who they are and are themselves *run*

SO people can call me a freak as much as they want because i know i am one...and you know what kind?....

A JESUS FREAK! and IM PROUD OF IT! *run* *Clap*

Loveee you so much sis *hug*

God bless you


PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 9:51 pm
by stargazer777
1 Peter 2:9
But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:

peculiar indeed


into marvelous light im runnin


PostPosted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 4:55 pm
by praisetheking95
Thanks mom and starry for the comments *hug*

Hiyaa all *hug*

umm...well today aint quite as positive...its like i feeling really unsettled at school, at home and at dont feel right there or something

But i just cant think why...i really wish i knew

I feel kinda like im in the wrong place.. *shrugs*

Today things all just came to i been holding all these thoughts inside and i just wanted to cry at school today..I just dont feel right there...

I have been praying for God to reveal to me why im feeling like this...but so far no answers...but i know God will show me why...just today wasnt the day for me to find out

lol not much else to say really lol

only place im feeling settled right now is here... :D

So thankyou all for your friendship *hug* it means a lot *hug* :D

God bless you all


PostPosted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 7:21 pm
by praisetheking95
hiyaaaa all *hug*

today will have to be a short one...spent the whole evening writing an essay rofl

but just wanted to say that


i felt really settled and home and school today and am feeling reaally positive today *Clap*

*hug5* i gotta go to bed now though rofl :(

i looove you all!



PostPosted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 4:02 pm
by praisetheking95
hiyaaa all *hug5*

Today i spent at home...felt sick so i stayed off...and im pleased i did...

because after sleeping for a bit i ended up starting to read the shack..

I got so hooked i sat there reading for around 3 hours and am now really half way...i had to force myself to put it down lol...

"A bird's not defined by being grounded but by his ability to fly. Remember this, Humans are not defined by their limitations, but by the intentions that I have for them; not by what they seem to be, but by everything it means to be created in my image."

I love that bit :D...

i sat there this afternoon in an empty house reading it and crying...veeery poweful!...but soooo amazing *Clap*

looove you all

God bless you


PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 7:38 pm
by praisetheking95
hello aall *hug*

yet again...a short one rofl

umm i went to school and then rehearsals :D


okaii i dunno if any of you have heard of The lion the witch and the wardrobe??...

but its supposed to be based on the story of jesus' crucifiction

less than a month to go till we perform it at the theater :O

im scared rofl but i know God will be there with me :D...

even if i end up running off stage in fear rofl

which is likely ;)

looooove you all



PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 8:01 pm
by HolyGhostFire

runnin off the stage in fear rofl

PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 8:22 pm
by stargazer777
a play to minister to ppl???



that's TOO kewl



i kno the feeling of wantin to run off a stage lol

i member when i would come out in dances or skits

while my back was still to the crowd as i waited for my part..

id say a lil prayer and that'd help me sooo much

2 Timothy 1:7
For God hath not given
us the spirit of fear; but
of POWER, and of love,
and of a sound mind.

it's called Christ Confidence


just imagine every1 in their undies


luv ya!!!


PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 1:07 pm
by praisetheking95
Hiyaaaa all *hug*

awwww thankyou starry :D

im luuuuvin' it!!!

rofl though we did the fight scenes today and my knee and arms are really bruised rofl i think i got a bit tooo into it rofl

Read a bit more of the shack today tooo...itss soo good! *Clap*

loooove you all

God bless you
