Figuring out what God wants me to do

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Figuring out what God wants me to do

Postby Skyrin » Sun Aug 24, 2014 6:51 pm

Hi. I haven't always been the strongest in my faith, but for over the past year I've had the same idea popping into my head at the strangest of times. I believe it is the voice of God telling me to do this. This is what I have heard. Use your gift to make stuffed animals for the weak and poor children and blankets for the adults. At one of our worships our minister said there are four parts to discerning the word of God. Prayer, scripture, talking, and doing. Pray for help, ask him to help you.\ Read the scripture and research if what he wants you to do is in the scripture. Talk to other Christian and see if they agree with you. Then if the first three steps all are true and glorify God then you can move on to step four. I have followed the first two and now I am here for the third. Please what do you think.
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Re: Figuring out what God wants me to do

Postby dema » Mon Aug 25, 2014 5:15 am

I question whether others agreeing with you is part of the process. Talking to others to see if they have scriptural reasons that should prevent you from what you are doing may be appropriate.

I think many times God calls us to do things which others would not find to be the best things - but if we are called, then we should follow the calling.

Follow the peace. If you have this excitement urging you on like you have to, have to, have to .... that isn't peace. And when I have had that excitement, the direction has almost always been wrong. Maybe always. But when I just know. When I am calm inside - and know, then it is what I am supposed to do.

Why would you not be supposed to do this? The main thing I can think of is that this is a very time consuming and potentially expensive endeavor. And if God is calling you to do something else that you don't want to do - maybe involving people - then this could be a way to righteously avoid God's true calling.

I don't have any idea if that is true. Just a thought. The big thought is to make sure that you have prayed quietly and that your direction is coming with peace and confidence. The fact that you are asking in this way - well, perhaps you don't have that peace. And perhaps then, this is a way of staying busy, busy so that you are choosing what you do for God instead of him choosing.

But maybe not - maybe when you pray quietly, you will know that yes, this is what you are supposed to do. The direction needs to come from God and not man.
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