Bible Quotes

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Bible Quotes

Postby JohnR » Sun Jun 03, 2012 12:22 pm

I noticed all the Bible quote are from the King James version of the Bible. I have gotten used to the new modern translations (I use the NIV) & was wondering way they don't use one of those translation? Is it for legal reasons? Would you have to pay if you used one of them? If that is true it's very sad :cry: because I believe it would be much easier for most to understand.
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Re: Bible Quotes

Postby Mackenaw » Sun Jun 03, 2012 1:48 pm

Hello JohnR :)

God bless you this day.

When I first started coming to this site 6 1/2 years ago, The King James Version was more challenging to me, also. But, through reading the Studies here in KJV, with my New International Version Bible at my side while reading the studies, I found I was studying God's Word in a more meditative and personal way. It just so happens that now, I prefer the KJV. :)

A dear friend suggested to me many years ago that I should check everything against The Word of God. If someone says The Word says this, or they type that The Word says that, and I do not check it for myself, I might easily be led astray. I'm grateful for what my friend shared with me. The entire process has helped me navigate in and around The Bible better, and I now have a great passion for reading God's Word. The Holy Spirit contributes greatly in growing our relationship with The Word, too. Jesus is The Word. Our relationship with Jesus is a relationship with The Word. God is so Good!!!

Any time invested in reading God's Word, is time well spent.

So, hang in there, The Holy Spirit is doing an awesome work in you, and He'll guide you into all Truth.

God bless and keep you.
In Christ Jesus' love,
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Re: Bible Quotes

Postby Daniel2001 » Thu Jul 12, 2012 2:58 pm

I read a book several years ago about King James Onlyism. For many years, I attended churches where it was quite paramount that you accepted the KJV as the only, "preserved" Word. I still read from it sometimes, but when I really want to determine the most literal translation of a text, I use the New American Standard. An interesting translation is the New American Bible, the foremost Catholic version. It is written with Catholic doctrine in mind, but is still readable and gives some interesting insights into the viewpoints of others.
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